Karma bites Yakov Litzman in the backside for lying about vaccine safety and Pedophiles
Below is a link to today's news about the upcoming indictment of former Israeli Health minister Yakov Litzman for corruption. The charges include getting a Psychiatrist to falsely testify about an accused pedophile's fitness for trial in order to prevent extradition from Israel to Australia. We had reported on this scandal back in January 2019 and the link for that is below as well. That was before the Covid Great Reset had begun and we relayed how Litzman was already talking about vaccine passports and restrictions on citizens who would refuse vaccination. He was referencing existing vaccines like MMR and so on, as there was no vaccine yet for Covid and there was no worldwide shutdown and panic yet for Covid in January 2019.
We also called out Anti Pedophilia activist Yakov Horowitz unconscionable hypocrisy. Horowitz has continued his bullying of parents of vaccine injured children for claiming their children were damaged by vaccines. He has also bullied vaccine risk awareness activists and labeled them with various derogatory nicknames like "dangerous" and so on. He has done to these parent activists exactly what he criticized the enablers of child molestation for doing. Bully them and shut them up and deny,deny,deny. Have we forgotten the scandal in Torah Temimah so quickly and failed to learn any lessons from it???
Horowitz and his ilk seem to think that only Rabbis lie, but not doctors, government officials, or scientists. He seems to think that it is only possible to have a conspiracy of silence and denial when it comes to clergy. Unfortunately the ramifications of a widespread corruption of science and public policy are orders of magnitude worse than the clergy pedophilia scandals.
Horowitz has also failed to condemn Adolph Cuomo for his predatory sexual behavior despite being very quick to condemn and prejudge people that fit his preconceived notions of guilty. He worships at the alter of Saint Fauci the patron saint of lying doctors and scientists. All the while shutting his ears and eyes to expert scientists who are eminently more qualified,unbiased, and not conflicted by financial interest as well as the desire to avoid prosecution for crimes against humanity.
It is not just Yakov Horowitz though. There is a whole network of biased medical and mental health professionals, health care organizations, and religious non profits in the Orthodox Jewish community that are well funded by the government specifically to help the government disseminate it's propaganda,misinformation and disinformation.
The political myopia extends all the way up the Rabbinic ladder. This week the Satmar Community Jointly endorsed Andrew Yang for Mayor despite him being an obvious Communist and Progressive Socialist. He can afford to be what ever he wants as he is a multi Zillionaire. What do you think Universal Basic Income means for the rest of us you fools?.On the other hand We have the Lubavitcher Community endorsing Eric Adams.We detailed previously how Eric Adams has openly supported Drag Queen Story Hour. That alone should be enough to have him indicted on Pedophilia charges. What an embarrassment.
Laws have already been passed in other states to allow young children to consent to a Covid Vaccine without parental consent. Take for example Philadelphia where Paul Offit's hospital CHOP, is encouraging 12 year olds to come on their own for a vaccine. Or Canada where the Pedophiles from the health department are giving out ice cream cones to kids in the park in exchange for submitting sans parents to the Covid Vax.
Of course if a 12 year old can consent to rape by vaccine, they can also consent to an intimate relationship with an adult. That will be the last taboo to fall in terms of morality unless religious leaders get the guts to stop playing politics and start fighting for what is right.