In memory of Dr. James Meehan MD
In memory of Dr. Meehan, I am reposting a post of his that I had posted on this blog on March 31 2019 in the PRE Covid Era. This was the time of the Measles controversy, when New York State blamed the Jews for the mild Measles outbreak, and subsequently abolished the religious vaccine exemption. Merck was never held accountable for their defective MMR vaccine which was the real culprit in both Measles and Mumps outbreaks. In hindsight we can see that the Measles operation was a prelude of the coming Covid operation. If only the world had heeded the admonitions of Dr. Meehan. Dr. Meehan was a brave,patriotic American, who served the USA in the military and served the public as a scientist,medical doctor, and medical freedom advocate. He was fearless, courageous, brilliant, articulate,compassionate,giving, and devoted to the truth. He is and will be sorely missed.
To help his family pay the medical debts of Dr. Meehans Cancer Treatments, please contribute at the this link
by James C. Meehan, Jr., MD
Posted on Facebook
To all the pediatricians still trolling my page, now that I’ve got your attention, listen closely. Heed my words.
You should be FIGHTING LIKE HELL for the safety of our children from
even the most remote possibility that vaccines aren’t as safe as they
could be or aren’t as safe as we are being told.
Instead of fighting for truth and safety, you’re fighting like rats for your piece of cheese.
I have ZERO RESPECT for vaccine profiteers that are so financially
biased, confirmation biased, indoctrinated, and willfully ignorant of
the evidence that clearly shows vaccines cause injury, disease and
REGRESSIVE AUTISM, that they aggressively lobby lawmakers to make
vaccines mandatory, and deny parents the essential knowledge about the
risks of toxic ingredients injected into their babies.
Bought by big pharma, the caretakers of children’s health have become
the perpetrators of harm rather than the protectors. They profit as our
precious, perfect children are harmed and killed by vaccines filled
with cheap preservatives, neurotoxic adjuvants, and human cellular
material derived from aborted fetal cell lines.
They are complicit accomplices in the murder-by-vaccine crimes that
have made American infants THE MOST VACCINATED and THE MOST LIKELY TO
DIE in the first year of life.
America’s infant mortality rate, the highest rate in ALL developed
nations, is a national tragedy. The epidemic of autism, autoimmune
diseases, asthma, allergies, ADHD, and pediatric cancers is far worse.
The evidence is everywhere.
Unbelievably, the epidemic of autism is rising exponentially. Today,
ONE in 48 children in America suffer autism. At the present rate of
increase, by 2032 ONE in TWO children AND 80% OF BOYS could be autistic.
We can’t afford to sacrifice our children and the future of our
nation to the ignorance and greed of pediatricians and their big
pharmaceutical vaccine manufacturer masters demanding parents submit our
children to an intolerably dangerous, untested, and unnecessary vaccine
schedule of 72+ injections…and rising. There are over 200 vaccines in
the pipeline.
Every pediatrician, family practitioner, or vaccine profiteer that
isn’t rising up against the corruption of the science of vaccines
perpetrated by the CDC is betraying their oath to “first, do no harm.”
They are on the wrong side of history.
Too many have given up objectivity and reason and have simply become
sales representatives for the vaccine manufacturers that have so easily
bought and conditioned them to believe their lies.
The blood of every vaccine injured or killed child is on the hands of
every pediatrician that parroted lies like “vaccines do not cause
autism” and “the science is settled.”
The science isn’t settled, it’s corrupt.
The vaccine industry will soon face the backlash as doctors,
scientists, and parents across America become aware of your crimes, rise
up to oppose your lies, and hold you accountable for the vaccine injury
holocaust you’ve caused.
The fraudulent deceit is coming to and end. We won’t allow it to continue.
For me, uncovering the many layers of fraud and corruption that have
allowed vaccines to harm so many children, is analogous to walking into
an exam room in which a child is being abused by a doctor. I’m not about
to look the other way and allow the abuse to continue.
I would call the police, however, in my analogy the police are the
CDC, and they are participating and enabling the abuse. Regardless, I
won’t ignore the abuse and allow it to continue. I’m going to stop the
abusers from harming the child, and I won’t be gentle about it.
That’s how I see the travesty of the corruption of vaccines that is
harming the children of America today. It’s obvious and I’m angry about
my how so many of medical colleagues refuse to open the door, expose the
abuse, and stop it.
In closing, I beseech my colleagues to open your eyes, minds, and the evidence that for too long you’ve negligently denied.
Confront the reality that you’ve been duped, controlled, and indoctrinated.
Free yourselves from the indoctrination. Stand with me.
Demand scientific transparency, integrity, and reform of the vaccine industry.
Join me in this fight to protect children and get yourselves on the right side of history.
Together we must STOP the abuse.
Jim Meehan, MD