Israel's Yaakov Litzman Problem and America's Yakov Horowitz Problem
Over the past year Israeli health minister Yaakov Litzman has come under investigation for alleged bribe taking and obstruction of justice for intervening with Doctors to obtain falsified Psychiatric evaluations that would prevent prosecution of alleged pedophiles. Specifically we are referring to the case of alleged female pedophile Malka Leifer as well as other cases where Litzman has been alleged to have intervened and acted as a 'fixer".
Yakov Horowitz a prominent educator and anti molestation activist has been aggressively vocal about this case. However we have yet to see anyone raise the broader implications of medical corruption by doctors and by government ministers. Apparently Yakov Horowitz believes doctors, rabbis, government officials, and government agencies are only capable of lying when it comes to pedophilia. When it comes to Vaccine safety and vaccine injury risk awareness he believes that "Anti Vaxxers" are simply crazy. He has repeatedly denigrated "Anti Vaxxers" and hypocritically refused to lend any credence to parents claiming that their children were injured or killed by vaccines. At the same time he severely criticizes and pontificates about believing victims of sexual abuse and always giving them the benefit of the doubt similar to the the Hashtag me too movement. I don't wish to minimize the severity of Child Sex Abuse, but at the same time the hypocrisy is intolerable. Forced Vaccination is no less an abuse of children and their parents then is Sex Abuse of a child.
Below is a report of Litzman's latest plans vis a vis coercive vaccination. To read that these horrific plans are being contemplated by an outwardly religious Jew and by the State of Israel is truly horrifying. For this alone this man deserves to be fired and never hold a position of public trust again. If BIBI does not get rid of Litzman for this, then BIBI is no longer worthy of leading the State of Israel. It is noteworthy that the tentacles of the CDC W.H.O. Merck Mafia extend all the way across the globe to Israel. Nothing to see here folks. Keep moving. No Corruption there at all.
From Arutz Sheva Israel National News
From Arutz Sheva Israel National News
Litzman: We will consider restrictions on those who refuse vaccination
Tuesday, December 31, 2019
At the Calcalist conference
Minister of Health Yaakov Litzman (UTJ) said the government is
considering placing restrictions on people who refuse to get vaccinated.
The restrictions could involve travel rights and driver licenses among
other things.