Yidden Nekama! and Rak Kach

In the wake of the the execution murders of the the six Israeli and American Hostages, by the Gaza Nazis, we ought reflect on the reaction that is happening now and the reaction that should have happened immediately after October 7th. The photographs below convey my sentiments. One is from  an apartment floor in the Lodz Ghetto circa 1941. It says in Yiddish scrawled in Blood, Jews,Revenge! The other is a Logo for the banned Kahane Political Party which has the tag line Rak Kach - Only Thus. Had Meir Kahana not been banned from running for office, by the Israeli government, it is reasonable to conclude that there would be peace in the holy land now instead of war. Not only would many Jewish Lives have been spared, but many Arab Muslim Lives as well. Instead we see protests branding Netanyahu a criminal instead of the Gaza Nazis and we see Calls from the Biden Nazi Collaborators to make a deal with the Gaza Nazis. The Israelis should have treated Gaza as the Chinese military treated Tienanmen square. Ditto on Hizbollah Occupied Lebanon. Last but not least the Jolly Mullahs in Iran. Rak Kach!!!!



 Kach (political party) - Wikipedia 




