Gentically modifying chickens to only have female chicks and prevent the animal cruelty of killing male chicks .What could possibly go wrong???
In this laudatory article below we see that Israeli and American Biotech firms have come up with a system to create, trans-phobic,homophobic,racist chickens, that insist on using traditional,old fashioned, anachronistic, gender pronouns of she her. These chickens refuse to acknowledge the inherent racism in not recognizing nonbinary chickens.
All kidding aside, It is a fair question to ask, what is the safeguard to make sure that this type of gene editing is not used deliberately or accidentally against Humans??? What could go wrong??? I'm sure there will be assurances that there is no possibility of the defective genes being carried to humans and having the same result as in the chickens - eliminating males before they are born.
Actually there are many questions that arise from this article in terms of food safety and our modern food systems and all aspects of big agriculture which is joined at the hip with all other forms of "BIG" including banking, government,pharma,etc. The tech is being used to solve a problem of "animal cruelty" that is created by the relentless drive to make food production as unnatural as possible and similar to car manufacturing on an assembly line - factory farming. There is no discussion of the inherent cruelty to animals that are allowed to live ( in this case the females) and be participants or animal slaves in the cradle to grave factory farm prisons.
Instead, if we had moral and honest leaders, we would outlaw factory farming and subsidize and incentivize small scale farming that produces natural, organic, healthy food,as opposed to the Frankenfood garbage that most of the world now eats. Small scale family farms have been driven out of business over the last 50 years. This was a deliberate strategy driven by Big Government and Big Business. It started taking off as far back as the Nixon administration under then Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz who had the motto "Get big or get out".
Now we have come to the point that we are being lied to that genetically modifying chickens to kill the males is humane and good for us. Does anyone seriously not believe that similar technologies can and will be used against humans or may already have been deployed.