Massachusetts Division of Child and Family Services Threatens to Kidnap Rabbi Green's Children

Below is the link to a shocking video from Rabbi Green. Rabbi Green is probably on various federal and state terrorist watch lists for the crime of exercising his first amendment protected speech and religious liberties. He has also written many religious exemptions for people who do not want to take the Fauci Kill Shot.Will Chabad Central help to stop this monstrosity?  Will Agudath Israel  and their band of merry askanim pull out all the stops to quash this outrage? Will Satmer or Bobov, or "Pearls" step up to the plate for Rabbi Green?  Perhaps the only thing worse than an early morning Knock on the Door from an FBI Gestapo Swat team, is a Knock on the Door from a Department of  Children's services Pervert team. YIMACH SHEMAM VEZICHRAM!!!!!!!!!! MAY THE Almighty speedily visit strict justice on the the Massachusetts Department of Children's and Family Services and all staff members connected to this perversion.


600 Washington St, 6th Floor, Boston, MA 02111
