Our Gay Man in Washington - Dr. Demetre Daskalakis NYCDOH Liar and Bio Terrorist and now Federal Monkey Pox Czar
Below is a link to a post from the Pre Covid era June 2019 BCE. In this post Dr. Demetre the self described Queer, can be seen lying in video testimony about the Measles outbreak of 2018. The details are discussed in the post. Why Bio Terrorist? Because if you knowingly, deliberately, prolong a Measles outbreak and amplify it with premeditation for the sake of coercing parents to vaccinate their children, you have engaged in Bio Warfare and you are a Bio Terrorist. This is what Dr.Demetre the Queer did together with his fellow New York City Health Department criminals back in 2018. They should all be tried in a court,convicted, and executed for their crimes against humanity. In light of the collapse of the US Justice system, we may have to settle for vigilante knockout game sucker punches. We have lots of willing and able sucker punchers here in Flatbush and they can be found in Kings Plaza mall. Black Sucker Puncher Lives Matter.