Where have all the Measles gone
Forgive me for paraphrasing the old antiwar song "Where have all the flowers gone". I had thought to title this post How the New York City Department of Health lied about the measles outbreak and made it worse. NYC DOH may have deliberately engineered the outbreak to make it worse in order to get the the vaccine religious exemption repeal passed.
The NYC DOH covered up and lied about why the outbreak persisted and grew beyond December when there were 329 cumulative cases from September. Below is video testimony from Dr. Demetre Daskalakis to the NYC Board of Health on April 17 2019.Dr Daskalakis self describes himself on his Twitter as @DrDemetre
In the first two minutes of the video Dr. Demetre Daskalakis states that while there were only 329 cases of Measles since September, there were over 12,000 exposures investigated by 200 NYC DOHMH investigators. The first question that comes to mind is that if the Measles is as contagious as we have been told than why if there were 12,000 documented exposures have we not seen 10s of thousands of cases of Measles in New York????
The good doctor goes on to show an EPI Curve chart and admits that indeed by the end of December they thought they had things under control and that the outbreak was petering out but then it started jumping up.
What the good doctor failed to mention is that on December 7th 2018 the NYC DOH ordered thousands of unvaccinated children out of school for an open ended indefinite period of time. After about two weeks parents who were opposed to vaccination but desperate to get their kids back into school started resorting to deliberately exposing and infecting their kids with Measles either by holding Measles parties or through other means in order to be able to provide proof of immunity with blood titers. This is the real explanation behind the Epi Curve chart presented by Daskalakis.
In essence the outbreak would have ended in December had the NYC DOH not taken their draconian action on December 7. In my opinion the NYC DOH may have done this deliberately at the urging of CDC in order to amplify the outbreak and make it persist for political purposes. If so this would constitute Biologocal warfare, and a Crime Against Humanity.
The NYC DOH covered up and lied about why the outbreak persisted and grew beyond December when there were 329 cumulative cases from September. Below is video testimony from Dr. Demetre Daskalakis to the NYC Board of Health on April 17 2019.Dr Daskalakis self describes himself on his Twitter as @DrDemetre
In the first two minutes of the video Dr. Demetre Daskalakis states that while there were only 329 cases of Measles since September, there were over 12,000 exposures investigated by 200 NYC DOHMH investigators. The first question that comes to mind is that if the Measles is as contagious as we have been told than why if there were 12,000 documented exposures have we not seen 10s of thousands of cases of Measles in New York????
The good doctor goes on to show an EPI Curve chart and admits that indeed by the end of December they thought they had things under control and that the outbreak was petering out but then it started jumping up.
What the good doctor failed to mention is that on December 7th 2018 the NYC DOH ordered thousands of unvaccinated children out of school for an open ended indefinite period of time. After about two weeks parents who were opposed to vaccination but desperate to get their kids back into school started resorting to deliberately exposing and infecting their kids with Measles either by holding Measles parties or through other means in order to be able to provide proof of immunity with blood titers. This is the real explanation behind the Epi Curve chart presented by Daskalakis.
In essence the outbreak would have ended in December had the NYC DOH not taken their draconian action on December 7. In my opinion the NYC DOH may have done this deliberately at the urging of CDC in order to amplify the outbreak and make it persist for political purposes. If so this would constitute Biologocal warfare, and a Crime Against Humanity.