Vickie Paladino should be hired by Agudath Israel and Bobov as CEO to clean house
Below is a recent photograph of several unelected, self declared, representatives of the New York City Orthodox Jewish Community with Mark D. Levine. Below that, is a recent tweet from Mark D. Levine which should be grounds for sending him off in a straitjacket to the Bellevue Psych ward where he should have been sent a long time ago. Below that is an article in which City Council member Vicky Paladino appropriately refers to Drag Queen Story hour in the public schools as Pedophilia Grooming. Below that is an excerpt from the article which quotes the New York City Pervert in Chief, Eric Adams.
Vicky Paladino has spoken with moral clarity and courage. Vicky is speaking truth to power.Vicky is espousing the genuine Daas Torah view on perverts and sodomites. Some 35 years ago Rabbi Avigdor Miller of Blessed Memory, was asked "What should our attitude be toward the sodomites of our time?" He responded that "Our attitude should be the same as when we see a cockroach.You wake up in the morning and go into the kitchen and see something brown on the floor and you say yech and squish it with your foot. You do not wait to see what it is, maybe it is just some stamp on it right away because it is disgusting and grotesque."
Organizations that claim to represent the Orthodox Jewish Community,Torah,Torah Values, Truth Justice, and the American way, can not sit back silently while the perverts and lunatics run wild. The perverts have succeeded in turning tolerance and coexistence, into mandated indoctrination and forced acceptance of their psychotic,demented,sick,twisted,agenda.
It is long overdue for a shakeup in the New York City Orthodox Jewish organizational infrastructure. Start off by putting a courageous woman like Vicky in charge.
Yeruchim Silber
Thank you to the indefatigable Rabbi Yaniv Meirov of @ChazaqOrg
for inviting me to join tour of 47 st diamond district with Manhattan BP @MarkLevineNYC
here visiting @CentralBobov
activist Rabbi Yitzchok Fleischer with @IdelsSorolle
Agudath Israel of America and Chaskel Bennett
1:31 PM · Jun 15, 2022
On Thursday, Mayor Eric Adams in a statement admonished the councilwoman for her comments.
"At a time when our LGBTQ+ communities are under increased attack across this country, we must use our education system to educate,” the mayor said. “The goal is not only for our children to be academically smart, but also emotionally intelligent. Drag storytellers, and the libraries and schools that support them, are advancing a love of diversity, personal expression, and literacy that is core to what our city embraces."