No Baby Formula? Let them eat Marijuana!!!


So the Biden junta has created a supply chain crisis for Infant formula. However we have not heard of anyone having any difficulty procuring Marijuana also known as cannabis among the propagandists. So the solution to the Baby Formula crisis would seem to be simple. First the parents should ingest some  Marijuana to calm their nerves which are frazzled from their crying, hungry, baby. Then put a little pot/weed in the blender and mix it with some water making sure not to stick your fingers in while the blades are moving. Then take a medicine dropper and give some THC juice to your infant to calm him,it,her,they, or them down, and off you go to a peaceful dreamy sleep. If the Marijuana does not work on your child, then you can try a post 3rd trimester abortion by putting an official Eric Adams Baby Mask on the kid. And let this be a lesson to all you horrible pro life anti abortionists who caused the baby formula crisis by allowing too many children to be born.

For the dimwits out there please be advised that the paragraph above is meant as sarcasm and satire. Always talk to your pediatrician before giving your child pot. And remember, the best way to fight hunger and food insecurity is to get your Covid shots. Now that the FDA has approved the Covid shots for children you can substitute the shots for the formula or the Eric Adams suffocation mask.       


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