"I am not an antivaxxer but" and What else has the government been lying about?

We are seeing various doctors and scientists come out against the Covid vaccines due to their poor safety and efficacy profile. When they do they invariably preface their comments with the defensive statement "I am not an antivaxxer" Or "I am pro vaccine but". Alternately ,we have doctors recommending against the vaccine because it is "Emergency Use Authorized_ - (EUA) by the FDA, and not fully approved. As though  the FDA would hesitate to fully approve this dangerous vaccine. The danger  from vaccines did not stop them from approving all the dangerous vaccines on the childhood schedule. 

It is obvious to the public that Fraudci and his cohorts in the public health mafia as well as the  Biden,Schumer, Pelosi Junta, have been lying about every aspect of this scamdemic and their vaccine program.

Now it is time for the public to start questioning what else have these bastards been lying to us about?

The uncomfortable answer for the brainwashed populace is, Yes, they have been lying about vaccine safety and efficacy about all the other vaccines as well. Now the adults who are coming down with "rare" deadly "breakout" infections and "rare" vaccine adverse events, are experiencing what children  and their parents who have been victimized by the 1986 vaccine act have had to endure.

Now maybe you will stop using the insulting slur of "antivaxxer" which was designed as a propaganda construct to isolate and demonize people who saw through the lies of Fauci and his fellow gangsters a long time ago.


