In my honor, you did not protest, but in honor of flesh and blood, you protested? Nedarim 39b. Ice Cream and Netflix anyone?
In my honor, you did not protest,but in honor of flesh and blood, you protested?Talmud, Tractate Nedarim 39b. This statement is a Midrashic interpretation quoting the Almighty responding critically to the demands of the Sun and Moon that he take vengeance on behalf of Moses in the dispute with Korach. The Lord chastises the Sun and Moon for tolerating the idolaters who worship the Sun and Moon and remaining quiet about it.
It is incredible to see the self appointed spokes-idiot morons of the the Orthodox Jewish world go utterly berserk over an ice cream company deciding to boycott portions of the state of Israel. Where was your concern for the Glory of God when this wicked corporation lobbied for Sodomite marriage and renamed Chubby Hubby, to Hubby Hubby, in honor of this abominable sin.
Similarly, all of the same fools are getting all worked up over a reality show on Netflix that they find embarrassing? Perhaps what you should be embarrassed about is your own complicity in selling out your fellow vaccine injury aware Jews, in the 2018 Measles outbreak. You demonized your fellow Jews as dangerous "anti vaxxers" who were ignorant of science. As a result of your Mesirah, the entire world is now in danger of succumbing to a fascist takeover that threatens to abolish all religious liberty including the religion you purport to defend.
One final point of outrage. At least the Sun and the Moon cared about the honor of flesh and blood. You don't even care about that. You have sat back, tolerated,and even promoted, the lies of the murderers from Cuomo to Fauci.You have assisted with the suppression of treatments that would have saved the lives of millions of people. The Zelenko Protocol, The FCCC Frontline Covid Critical Care protocol, and others.
The blood of your brothers and sisters cry's out from the ground.
It would be appropriate to pray that God avenge their deaths. However instead we beg God to have mercy and cause the sinners to repent, and save humanity from the grips of the evil, wicked, murderers, who are in the category of pursuers. May God be with and save the pursued.