A Bio Weapon from Gain of Function research? I am Shocked. Shocked to find that Fauci has been conducting Bioweapons development.
No we are not really shocked. In fact we reported on it almost a year and half ago that Covid 19 was a bio weapon in this post. https://flatbushantivaxxer.blogspot.com/2020/02/twitter-spreads-dangerous-corona-virus.html
At the time we focused more on the issue of censorship of those proposing such evidence. It looks like the rest of the world is starting to catch up with the uncomfortable idea that the entire planet has been victimized by Fauci,Collins, and their world wide criminal network.
Now we have an excellent website by Dr Richard Fleming who has posted more than you ever want to know about Covid. The link is below and of course the Nazis at Google are trying to make it difficult to find it while at the same time boosting sites that assassinate Dr. Fleming's character. Below the link to Dr Fleming's site is a link to a scientific paper from some Chinese Scientists that Dr Fleming posted. This paper is titled SARS-CoV-2 Is an Unrestricted Bioweapon: A
Truth Revealed through Uncovering a Large-Scale,Organized Scientific Fraud. The paper lays out the scientific evidence that the virus is a man made bio weapon as well as the evidence that it was pre-meditatively and deliberately released. There are many people with blood on their hands in this crime against humanity. May Almighty G-d blot out these evil, wicked, villains, and avenge the deaths of all those murdered by them.
SARS-CoV-2 Is an Unrestricted Bioweapon: A Truth Revealed through Uncovering a Large-Scale,Organized Scientific Fraud
Li-Meng Yan (MD, PhD)1, Shu Kang (PhD)1, Jie Guan (PhD)1, Shanchang Hu (PhD)11Rule of Law Society & Rule of Law Foundation, New York