Twitter spreads dangerous Corona virus misinformation by censoring the news
Below is a link to an article posted by Zero Hedge and the article. As a result of this article Zero Hedge was permanently banned from Twitter. The powers that be do not want the public to know of the man made laboratory origin of the new Corona virus variant that is currently disrupting the entire world. Besides this article there are other Scientists like James Lyons Weiler who have stated unequivocally that based on the genetic make up of the viral DNA of 2019-nCoV it was virtually impossible for this virus to have arisen from a natural wild mutation and that it had to have come from a lab.
We have previously stated that the biggest threat to the Jewish People in the United States is the call for censorship of free speech. Numerous unelected self appointed leaders in the Jewish community have been joining the call to censor information that they deem "Offensive" and "Hateful". Most notably the ADL and Sasha Baron Cohen. Flatbush Anti Vaxxer has been blocked on Twitter by numerous leaders in the Orthodox Jewish Community including elected officials and has also been suspended from Twitter.
Now we see that censorship and suppression of the free flow of information and speech is actually a danger to the whole world.
It is well past time to stop the Chinese Communist Censorship which has taken control of all the major social media platforms as well as the entire main stream media propaganda machine.
Is This The Man Behind The Global Coronavirus Pandemic?
light of growing speculation, most of it within less than official
circles, that the official theory for the spread of the Coronavirus
epidemic, namely because someone ate bat soup at a Wuhan seafood and
animal market...
... is a fabricated farce, and that the real reason behind the viral
spread is because a weaponized version of the coronavirus (one which may
have originally been obtained from Canada), was released by Wuhan's Institute of Virology (accidentally or not), a top, level-4 biohazard lab which was studying "the world's most dangerous pathogens", perhaps it would be a good idea for the same Wuhan Institute of Virology to remove the following "help wanted" notice, posted on November 18, 2019, according to which the institute is seeking to hire one or two post-doc fellows, who will use "bats
to research the molecular mechanism that allows Ebola and
SARS-associated coronaviruses to lie dormant for a long time without
causing diseases."
The right candidate will:
Have obtained or is about to obtain a PhD in life science/biomedical related fields;
Have a reliable and rigorous work style, with strong independent scientific research ability and teamwork spirit;
Have strong English communication and writing skills, have research
papers published in the international mainstream academic journals
Have a cell biology, immunology, genomics and other relevant background experience is preferred;
The full job posting, which can still be found on the Wuhan Institute of Virology website can be found here (and screengrabbed below as it will be gone within a few hours).
And google translated:
Why is this notable? Because as it turns out, this is a job posting
for the lab of Dr. Peng Zhou (周鹏), Ph.D., a researcher at the Wuhan
Institute of Virology and Leader of the Bat Virus Infection and Immunization Group. Some more on Zhou's background from the Institute (google translated):
He received his PhD in Wuhan Virus Research Institute in 2010 and has
worked on bat virus and immunology in Australia and Singapore. In
2009 , he took the lead in starting the research on the immune
mechanism of bat long-term carrying and transmitting virus in the world.
So far, he has published more than 30 SCI articles, including the first
and corresponding author's Nature , Cell Host Microbe and PNAS . At
present, research on bat virus and immunology is continuing, and it has
received support from the National "You Qing" Fund, the pilot project of
the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the major project of the Ministry
of Science and Technology.
Below is a list of several recent papers published by Dr. Zhou
Which brings us to the punchline: courtesy of the Wuhan institute of virology, here is a press release from Dr. Zhou's lab titled "How bats carry viruses without getting sick":
Bats are known to harbor highly pathogenic viruses like Ebola,
Marburg, Hendra, Nipah, and SARS-CoV, and yet they do not show clinical
signs of disease. In a paper published in the journal Cell Host
& Microbe on February 22, scientists at the Wuhan Institute of
Virology in China find that in bats, an antiviral immune pathway called
the STING-interferon pathway is dampened, and bats can maintain just
enough defense against illness without triggering a heightened immune
reaction. "We believe there is a balance between bats and the pathogens they carry," says
senior author Peng Zhou. "This work demonstrated that in order to
maintain a balance with viruses, bats may have evolved to dampen certain
In humans and other mammals, an immune-based over-response to one of
these and other pathogenic viruses can trigger severe illness. For example, in humans, an activated STING pathway is linked with severe autoimmune diseases. "In human history, we have been chasing infectious diseases
one after another," says Zhou, "but bats appear to be a 'super-mammal'
to these deadly viruses." By identifying a weakened but not
defunct STING pathway, researchers have some new insight into how bats
fine-tune antiviral defenses to balance an effective, but not an overt,
response against viruses. The authors hypothesize that this defense strategy evolved as
part of three interconnected features of bat biology: they are flying
mammals, have a long lifespan, and host a large viral reservoir.
"Adaptation to flight likely caused positive selection of multiple
bat innate immune and DNA damage repair genes," Zhou says. These
adaptations may have shaped certain antiviral pathways (STING,
interferon, and others) to make them good viral reservoir hosts and
achieve a tolerable balance."
Wuhan has the first person in the global bat immunity research: "I rushed forward with a sword"
Changjiang Daily Financial Media May 4 hearing last month as they
tied for first author made a "natural", in recent years, the Chinese
Academy of Sciences Wuhan virus after 80 young researchers Zhou Peng has
been in the "natural", "American Academy of Sciences ”And other
international authoritative magazines published 28 papers, becoming
academic stars. In an interview with reporters recently, he introduced
that young scientists do not rely on genius to hold, but rely on "super
It is understood that Zhou Peng is the pioneer of global bat immune
system research. "Bats carry viruses but do not get sick. They have not
been researched by scientists before, and certainly have specificity
different from other species, but this is like you know the beginning
and Ending without knowing how the story happened. " After more
than 10 years of research, Zhou Peng discovered that an antiviral immune
channel called "interferon gene-stimulating protein-interferon" in the
bat's body was inhibited, so that the bat could just resist the disease
without triggering a strong immune response. The results were published
in Cells, Hosts and Microorganisms, which aroused the attention of the
academic community.
Zhou Peng, a student of undergraduate bioengineering, experienced
SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) in his junior year, which made
him interested in the virus: "A small virus makes the world mess."
He was admitted to the Wuhan Institute of Virology of the Chinese
Academy of Sciences at the postgraduate level, and studied under Shi
Zhengli, a bat expert. Focusing on the virus carried by the bat, then I was wondering if the bat's immune system is special. "
After graduating from the PhD, he entered the Australian Animal
Health Laboratory and became the first person in the global bat immunity
research. "I went through 4 years of trial and error, groped in the
dark, and hit the South Wall numerous times. I still remember a 'darkest
moment' 'In the local cold winter, I was holding the frostbite knee,
sitting at the beach, and asking myself why this was the case.'
He began to learn Australian jokes and inspired himself. In 2016,
during postdoctoral studies at Duke University-National University of
Singapore Medical School, he was concerned that a certain interferon in
bats is always maintained at a high level. This paper became the cover
article of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, "Bat
Immunity "This door was opened, and more and more people in the world
are paying attention to this field." Our generation, when we were in
college, watched "The Forrest Gump" and "Redemption of Shawshank" and
taught us stupidity and perseverance. I I feel like I am carrying a
sword and rushing forward. "
After returning to China in 2016, Zhou Peng returned to his alma mater to become a little-known young researcher. "In
the long run, bats carry the virus without getting sick. It is hoped
that humans can learn how to fight the virus, but this is still far from
industrialization. Far, the road ahead is long, and we must
remain 'super confident' and continue to move forward. "(Reporter Li Jia
correspondent Chen teased Li Li intern Luo Yameng)
And here is the man, the myth, the bat-god himself: Peng Zhou.
Peng Zhou, Ph.D., researcher, team leader of bat virus infection and
immunity. He successively obtained bachelor's and doctoral degrees from
Henan University (2004) and Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy
of Sciences (2010). During his doctorate, he was sent to the Australian
Animal Health Laboratory for study. He then carried out research work
at Duke-Nus Medical College in Australia and Singapore. He has long been
engaged in the research of new virus epidemiology and bat antiviral
immunity, revealing that bats carry SARS, MERS, and Ebola for a long
time but do not have their own immune mechanisms.
Currently he is hosting and undertaking 3 projects of the National
Natural Science Foundation of China, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences
Special project and a major national science and technology project - a
major project for the prevention and control of infectious diseases.
Currently published 28 SCI papers, including Nature, Cell Host Microbe,
PNAS and other articles SCI papers, including Nature, Cell Host Microbe,
PNAS and other articles published by the first or corresponding author.
It is at the forefront of the world in the field of bat and virus
So to summarize:
One of China's top virology and immunology experts was and still works at China's top-rated biohazard lab, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which some have affectionately called the real Umbrella Corp.
Since 2009, Peng has been the leading Chinese scientist researching
the immune mechanism of bats carrying and transmitting lethal viruses
in the world.
His primary field of study is researching how and why bats
can be infected with some of the most nightmarish viruses in the world
including Ebola, SARS and Coronavirus, and not get sick.
He was genetically engineering various immune pathways (such as the STING pathway in bats) to make the bats more or less susceptible to infection, in the process potentially creating a highly resistant mutant superbug.
As part of his studies, Peng also researched mutant Coronavirus strains that overcame the natural immunity of some bats; these
are "superbug" Coronavirus strains, which are not resistant to any
natural immune pathway, and now appear to be out in the wild.
As of mid-November, his lab was actively hiring inexperienced
post-docs to help conduct his research into super-Coronaviruses and bat
Peng's work on virology and bat immunology has received
support from the National "You Qing" Fund, the pilot project of the
Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the major project of the Ministry of
Science and Technology.
* * *
Something tells us, if anyone wants to find out what really caused
the coronavirus pandemic that has infected thousands of people in China
and around the globe, they should probably pay Dr. Peng a visit.
Or at least start with an email: Dr Peng can be reached at, and his phone# is 87197311.