When you support Agudath Israel do you support Cognitive Dissonance?
Below are some cut and pastes from the Twitter feed of Chaskel Bennett an ardent Agudath Israel promoter. Why Agudath Israel as an organization seems to lack the moral clarity to distance itself from Murderer Cuomo and his Evil Hench Demon Howard Zucker is probably because of the phenomenon of Cognitive Dissonance. These two murderers are directly responsible for the thousands of murders that took place in New York Hospitals during the height of the Covid Hysteria. Cuomo is also personally responsible for ushering in the mayhem and lawlessness that is plaguing New York City by championing violent extremist Democrat Party Controlled groups like Antifa and BLM and quarterbacking laws that promote social disorder and violence. Onward and Upward a slogan referenced in one of these tweets is also frequently used by Cuomo as though he were leading New York in a good direction. Since Purgatory is usually symbolized as being down below, a more appropriate expression would be Onward and Downward. At a time when a world wide Fascist Tyranny is being imposed on Humanity threatening everyone's life and future generations everywhere, it is imperative that Agudath Israel shake off the chains of political correctness and expediency and lead with moral clarity, and speak truth to power. Mr. Bennett should be out there leading a charge to remove the incumbent legislators who have handed Cuomo Dictatorial powers in this never ending fake state of emergency. It is time to put the talents, of the Orthodox Jewish Community to use and get rid of the the Democrat Mafia that controls New York.
Congratulations to my dear friend
We're all rooting for you. Great choice by
Rabbi Yisroel Kahan
· 6h
Congratulations to my dear friend @JakeAAdler upon his appointment as Jewish Liaison to @NYGovCuomo. Wishing you the best of luck in your new role. At the @AgudahNews Convention with @AronWieder @KalmanYeger @YSilber @stein4judge @ChaskelBennett @JasonKoppel @Avi_Greenstein
TOGETHER WE DID IT! Thank you to all those who stepped up and joined our holy mission. Onwards & upwards....TOGETHER!
When you support the Agudah, you are not only supporting a Jewish cause, your generosity today is vital for Jewish life & continuity tomorrow. Less than 30 minutes left. Please get us over the top! http://Charidy.com/agudahnational/Bennett… $1500 short of my goal. Every dollar is matched.