Louis Farrakhan, An Orthodox Rabbi, the Mayor of New York City, or Andy Handsy Cuomo?

Louis Farrakhan, An Orthodox Rabbi, the Mayor of New York City, or Andy Handsy Cuomo?   

Who tweeted the tweet below?

In honor of the one year anniversary of the Great Covid Reset here is a tweet from a year ago from big mouth Effie Goldberg who does not deserve the title "Rabbi" and should not be allowed to hold any position of leadership in the Orthodox Jewish Community for his crimes against humanity in aiding and abetting the ongoing attack on civilization, by the public health mafia and their allies. If any of the Gentiles mentioned in the title would have made this recommendation and tweet, they would have been castigated as "Anti Semites" and booted off of Twitter. 

It was known a over a year ago from the work of Dr. Didier Raoult and actually as far back as 2005 from Dr. "Fausti" himself,  that  SARSCOV2 could be effectively treated with HCQ even before the Zelenko protocol of combining HCQ with Zinc and Azithromycin. There never was a valid reason for the lockdown to begin with or for its continuation in the varied permutations and variants it has evolved into.

Efrem Goldberg owes a lot of apologies and God does not forgive sins against your fellow man unless you apologize and sincerely beg for forgiveness and make amends to the ones you wronged.

Regarding anyone coming to Florida from New York, please consider that with great sadness, but without hesitation, we are instructing our community as follows: (1/4)
4:15 PM · Mar 25, 2020·
If you know of an arrival from New York violating guidelines, please report them to authorities, even if they are your neighbor or friend. Call the Palm Beach County Department of Health at 561-274-3100 or the Epidemiology department at 561-671-4184. (2/4)
We are pleading with those in Florida considering hosting New Yorkers and those from New York planning on coming to Florida: Please don’t put us in the position to have to report you to protect ourselves. (3/4)
Though difficult to fully implement, we have encouraged our local Kosher establishments to announce a policy that they won’t sell to those who have come from New York or to anyone violating guidelines. (4/4)


Mel said…
I would love to talk to someone from this blogspot, is that possible? Please let me know. Thanks!
Sure Mel. Lets meet at the diner.