Is God Dead? Or Is He Just Wearing an ND95 Mask?

Is God Dead? asked the "Mockingbird Media" Mouthpiece "Time Magazine" back in 1966.Some readers may remember the deliberately provocative issue of Time Magazine from 1966. "Time" wanted to blame the Death of God on Nietzsche and those who followed in his footsteps. However now with 2020 hind site, we can see that God was not killed by philosophers and Time Magazine back in 1966. He stuck around long enough to give Medical Doctors and their Corrupt Deep State CDC Mafia and Associated HHS Criminals a chance to have a go at him with the 2018 Measles outbreak. With the help of Local and State Government Department of Health thugs and the vast government Nonprofit Industrial Medical Complex, they took God on again and started throwing healthy unvaccinated unexposed kids out of religious and public schools. Then they went for the outlawing of religious beliefs and practices by legislating God and religion out of the way from Sea to shining Sea. God was kind enough to stick around though, as were some of his followers. Despite great adversity thousands of his followers decided to home school rather than submit to the tyrannical compulsory vaccination program of the Democrat Fascists in New York State and elsewhere.
Along came a virus in 2019 - 2020.
How odd that people who pretend to have faith and trust in God and his miracles, are suddenly seized by panic and terror in the face of this menace. Arch Terrorist Tony Fauci says be afraid and like good little sheep they run bleating into their homes that are well stocked with emergency ice cream stockpiles and of course toilet paper. Even God can not save them, maybe because they do not want God to save them. Is God Dead? for these people yes. They killed him in there hearts and minds. They replaced God with the False Idols of Tony Fauci, the corporate and government Medical Mafia, and Communists like Andrew Cuomo and Bill Deblasio. The only thing that can save and protect them, is a "vaccine" created by "Heroic" Vaccinologists rushing to save humanity. God might have tried to save them but they Quarantined him. The "Anti Vaxxers" might have prayed for divine salvation for you, but you threw them out last year. Now you are all quarantined indefinitely and all houses of worship have been deemed infection hot zones. All people or rather "carbon" life forms are now deemed to be deathly infectious unless proven otherwise. Guilty until proven innocent. This is the Godless, Atheist, workers paradise that you have chosen to live in and force the rest of us to live in as well.
The motto on our Currency in the USA is "IN GOD WE TRUST". Our Constitutional Rights come from GOD, not Andrew Cuomo, Bill Deblasio, the Democrat Fascists of America, Howard Zucker, Jane Zucker, Oxiris Barbot, Tony Fauci, or their vast army of bureaucrats and lackeys. Though they are trying their hardest to kill God,We who value our God given Freedom and Liberty will not go down without a fight. It is not just God they are trying to Kill. It is each and every one of us who are created in the image of GOD that they want to kill. It is time to take the country back from these wicked heathens. If we are still able to vote this year than we will do it peacefully at the voting both. We should be mindful of the revolutionary war expression "Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to GOD". May God Bless the United States of America and may we be victorious in our fight against those portions of our government and their foreign helpers that have declared Biological war on the Free and Proud Citizens and Patriots of the USA and on God himself!