Connecting the Dots and Tweets; Agudath Israel, Which Side are you on???
Below are tweets with photos from Leah Zagelbaum VP of Media Affairs for Agudath Israel in which she retweets a fawning tweet from Michael Snow Director of Jewish Affairs for @NYGovCuomo; heaping praise on Howerd Zucker the Commisisoner of the New York State Department of Health. Zucker is a key man responsible for the legislation that expelled 26,000 children from New York State schools including the Amish. Such a tolerant progressive warm and fuzzy Democrat Fascist he is. He is also the man who unilaterally imposed un-legislated regulations on medical exemptions for vaccines that made CDC ACIP committee recommendations for contraindications, the law of the land - vaccination without representation. Below in the bolded section is the article from the Forward about Zucker. Note in the last line where he refers to Vaccine Hesitancy as a disease. In other words, if you ask questions like why are there no inert placebo control group studies comparing all health outcomes and mortality rates between a fully unvaccinated adult and child population to a vaccinated population, you have a disease. This arrogant Democrat Fascist considers freedom of speech and bodily autonomy, to be a disease.
As measles outbreaks mainly in New York’s Haredi communities raged, Dr. Howard Zucker, the state’s health commissioner, met with Orthodox rabbis, visited religious summer camps and lobbied the legislature to eliminate the religious exemption for vaccination. Zucker, 60, who completed medical school at 22 and is also a lawyer qualified to argue before the Supreme Court, has been New York’s commissioner since 2014, after serving as second-in-command at the World Health Organization.
With more than 1,000 cases in New York alone, Zucker’s efforts helped the U.S. maintain its measles-elimination status, meaning that the country can say officially that there is not continuous spread of the disease, only outbreaks. His department did its best to walk a fine line: Stop measles in the Haredi community without playing into the community’s deep-set fears of government intervention. “I see this as part of a larger war against science-based reality,” Zucker told The New Yorker. “We need to study vaccine hesitancy as a disease.”
Leah Zagelbaum Retweeted
Below the Zagelbaum retweet, is a tweet from Agudath Israel News with a picture of Crooked Corrupt Cuomo warmly shaking hands with Agudath Israel Executive Director Chaim Dovid Zweibel on occasion of a 10 million dollar security grant. It is not specified how much of that 10 million dollars goes to Agudath Israel and what favors they had to do for Cuomo in order to get that grant.

Below is a tweet From Agudah Board member Chaskel Bennet about a radio show he was on together with Agudah Board member Leon Goldenberg and New Jersey Governor Murphy in the wake of the the Jersey City shooting. One day after the shooting, the corrupt New Jersey Senate under the corrupt leadership of Stephen Sweeney and Joe Vitale advanced a bill to increase diversity in New Jersey by outlawing religious exemptions to vaccination. Governor Murphy has indicated he would sign such a bill. So while the Governor talks about tolerance and diversity from one side of his mouth, the other side of his lying mouth is working to remove diversity and religious freedom from New Jersey. That does not bother Bennett and Goldenberg though. If you listen to their interview with Murphy you will see that their overarching concern is security grant funding from the state of New Jersey. As though any kind of funding could prevent or blunt a surprise attack from a suicidal,homicidal killer.
Here we have a tweet from Agudah Lobbyist Yeruchim Silber pictured meeting with backstabber Dick Gottfried. Dick Gottfried is the one who allowed his Assembly Health committee to push through the religious exemption repeal law under the coercion of Carl Heastie. Gottfried knew full well that this legislative push in New York was a corrupt stinking mess paid for by Merck with donations to the Democrat party. Despite pretending that he would favor parental choice, he betrayed parents who had lobbied him against this bill. When an attempt was made up in Albany to introduce Silber, to Del Bigtree, he turned tail and ran away saying he does not want to speak to "antivaxxers"
As measles outbreaks mainly in New York’s Haredi communities raged, Dr. Howard Zucker, the state’s health commissioner, met with Orthodox rabbis, visited religious summer camps and lobbied the legislature to eliminate the religious exemption for vaccination. Zucker, 60, who completed medical school at 22 and is also a lawyer qualified to argue before the Supreme Court, has been New York’s commissioner since 2014, after serving as second-in-command at the World Health Organization.
With more than 1,000 cases in New York alone, Zucker’s efforts helped the U.S. maintain its measles-elimination status, meaning that the country can say officially that there is not continuous spread of the disease, only outbreaks. His department did its best to walk a fine line: Stop measles in the Haredi community without playing into the community’s deep-set fears of government intervention. “I see this as part of a larger war against science-based reality,” Zucker told The New Yorker. “We need to study vaccine hesitancy as a disease.”
Leah Zagelbaum Retweeted
Shepping nachas to see my colleague dr. Zucker recognized by the @jdforward as one of the 50 most influential Jewish leaders this year for his leadership against the measles outbreak.
Mazal tov Dr. Z! @HealthNYGov
Below the Zagelbaum retweet, is a tweet from Agudath Israel News with a picture of Crooked Corrupt Cuomo warmly shaking hands with Agudath Israel Executive Director Chaim Dovid Zweibel on occasion of a 10 million dollar security grant. It is not specified how much of that 10 million dollars goes to Agudath Israel and what favors they had to do for Cuomo in order to get that grant.
Agudath Israel Applauds Governor Cuomo's Announcement of Increased NY State Security Funding
@NYGovCuomo Announced a 2nd Round of Funding for the Securing Communities Against Hate Crimes Grant Program, over $10 million!

Below is a tweet From Agudah Board member Chaskel Bennet about a radio show he was on together with Agudah Board member Leon Goldenberg and New Jersey Governor Murphy in the wake of the the Jersey City shooting. One day after the shooting, the corrupt New Jersey Senate under the corrupt leadership of Stephen Sweeney and Joe Vitale advanced a bill to increase diversity in New Jersey by outlawing religious exemptions to vaccination. Governor Murphy has indicated he would sign such a bill. So while the Governor talks about tolerance and diversity from one side of his mouth, the other side of his lying mouth is working to remove diversity and religious freedom from New Jersey. That does not bother Bennett and Goldenberg though. If you listen to their interview with Murphy you will see that their overarching concern is security grant funding from the state of New Jersey. As though any kind of funding could prevent or blunt a surprise attack from a suicidal,homicidal killer.
Here is tonight's Community Matters radio show with Leon Goldenberg & Chaskel Bennett interview of NJ @GovMurphy on the #JerseyCityShooting Community Matters with Leon Goldenberg & Chaskel Bennett with NJ Gov Phil Murphy byzevbrennerFOLLOW
Here we have a tweet from Agudah Lobbyist Yeruchim Silber pictured meeting with backstabber Dick Gottfried. Dick Gottfried is the one who allowed his Assembly Health committee to push through the religious exemption repeal law under the coercion of Carl Heastie. Gottfried knew full well that this legislative push in New York was a corrupt stinking mess paid for by Merck with donations to the Democrat party. Despite pretending that he would favor parental choice, he betrayed parents who had lobbied him against this bill. When an attempt was made up in Albany to introduce Silber, to Del Bigtree, he turned tail and ran away saying he does not want to speak to "antivaxxers"
As we get close to the legislative session, I had a chance to sit down with the always thoughtful Assemblymember @DickGottfried Chair of the @NYSA_Majority Health Committee discussing important issues pertinent to @AgudahNews that are likely to come up this session
