Twitter suspends Flatbushantivaxxer for the crime of Sarcasm

I posted the sarcastic tweet below to several Democrat twitter accounts and religious leaders who have been promoting compulsory vaccination which violates the Nuremberg Code. The tweet was meant to highlight the "intersectionality" (please excuse the expression) between forced vaccination and  forcing a 6 year old boy to undergo chemical castration and social conditioning to turn him into a girl.
The case of James Younger is horrific. I have copied the link to the website which his father set up to publicize the case. This site may be shut down due to the court issued gag order from yesterday - more censorship from an out of control judicial system.
In a nutshell the boys mother, a pediatrician, has been grooming the boy to become a girl. This should tell you something about Pediatricians and the American Academy Pediatrics. Maybe they should change their name to American Academy of Pedophiles.  
If you can force a child to be vaccinated, you can force a child to undergo gender reassignment surgery and hormone treatments to transgenderize them.This evil sick agenda is being led by the Democrat Fascists all across the country with the help of the perverts and atheists who control social media like Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook and Jack Dorsey of Twitter.
As I have outlined previously, the CDC has funded efforts to co opt community leaders and Rabbis in the Orthodox Jewish Community such as Rabbis Efrem Goldberg and David Shabtai in Boca Raton to promote the CDC agenda. We now have a situation where religious leaders are fighting against religious freedom and essentially promoting religious hatred against people who oppose vaccination and transgenderism.You could call it ultimate brainwashing. Rabbis who speak out against this agenda quickly find themselves attacked and sidelined and dismissed as lunatics who need to go to a reeducation camp. For those who are too young to recall how the Soviets used to operate and how the Chinese are currently operating to control and quash dissent you need to study some history.
Now, making Sarcastic Twitter comments is deemed "Hate Speech" by the Almighty Algorthim AI Idolatrous god of Twitter.
With the help of the true Almighty GOD, We shall overcome and overthrow the wicked people in government and industry who are stomping on our freedom and liberty.

Violating our rules against hateful conduct. You may not promote violence against, threaten, or harass other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease.

The Tweet that got us banned

@bradhoylman C'mon Dems Lets castrate the Boys and eat the babies so we can save the planet Save James, Save Thousands of Kids [...]
