New York Democrat Nazis Liz Kreuger and Amy Paulin want to Medically Rape your Kids

 Below is a communication from the Autism Action Network please support them. They are very diplomatic. We are not. The Democrat party has become the the party of Perverts, Nazis, Fascists, Communists, and assorted Lunatics, especially in New York.

     The next session of the New York legislature begins in only 12 weeks, and they are ending the session a month early so they can campaign for re-election, which means there is even less time to try and stop the many bad bills we know are coming, including mandatory flu shots, mandatory Gardasil, and shots for STDs without parental knowledge or consent.
     The most threatening bills are S3899a (Krueger, D-Upper Eastside ), and A973a (Paulin, D-Scarsdale) which would allow minors to get vaccines for hepatitis b at any age, and Gardasil (human papilloma virus) at age nine without parental knowledge or consent. Even if your children are homeschooled this bill means that anytime your children are out-of-sight they could legally be injected, and you would never know. Not only that, this bill begins with shots for STDs but we know from California and other states that the vaccine industry’s goal is to expend it to cover all vaccines. This is just part of a greater effort to take away your ability to decide what is injected into your child’s body.
     This bill is a national priority of the vaccine industry, and versions of it have been introduced in state legislatures across the US. Senator Krueger’s bill S3899a was already passed by the Senate Health Committee on a straight party line vote (10 Democrats in favor, 5 Republicans opposed.)  Those who voted for the bill are Senators Benjamin Bailey, Alessandra Biaggi, Julia Salazar, Chair Gustavo Rivera, Toby Ann Stavisky, Todd Kaminsky, Velmanette Montgomery, Jen Metzger,  Brad Hoylman, and David Carlucci. Senators who voted against are Robert Antonacci, Patrick Gallivan, Patty Ritchie, Chris Jacobs and Betty Little
   Please click on the Take Action link to send messages to the Governor, your State Senator and your Assemblymember and the Governor stating your opposition to the bills. But before you do that if you value the information and advocacy bought to you by the Autism Action Network please help us continue to do so by donating here:  to our one fundraiser of the year that we do in conjunction with the Autism Community Walk on October 20 at Belmont Lake State Park in Babylon, NY.
Gardasil has a terrible safety record. Gardasil has an alarming safety record. According to the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System as of 7/14/2019 there have been 62687 reported adverse incidents with HPV vaccines, including 510 deaths, 15,413 emergency room visits, 6,309 hospitalizations, and 3031 permanent disabilities.  And according to Dr. David Kessler, who was the head of the FDA under Presidents George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton, these injuries are probably less than 10% of the actual number. The safety record for HPV vaccines is so troubling that Japan ended their recommendation of HPV vaccination for Japanese girls in 2014.
Children do not know enough about their own medical history to consent. It is absurd to assume that a child of any age knows enough about their own medical history and the medical history of their family to provide informed consent. They must know if they had earlier adverse reactions to vaccines given to them as infants, whether they have allergies or sensitivities to vaccine ingredients, or if there is a family medical history that would contra-indicate a shot. A nine-year old, or younger, child will know this?
Merck is charged with submitting fraudulent documents in the licensing process. A lawsuit is under way in California, Robi v. Merck, that alleges Merck, the manufacturer of Gardasil, submitted fraudulent safety and efficacy data to the federal government during the licensing process.
The bill protects pedophiles. This bill also provides protection to pedophiles by subverting New York’s  “Mandated Reporter” law that requires licensed professionals to report suspected sexual abuse of children.  What rational person would not suspect something was very wrong if a nine-year old requested an injection that purports to prevent a sexually-transmitted disease and he or she did not want their parents to know about it?
Who decides who can decide. A person giving the shot, who may have a financial incentive to do so, is allowed to use whatever reasons they want to determine if a minor is capable of giving consent. Nor is there any language to prevent shots from being given to minors with intellectual or developmental disabilities.
How can a parent make informed healthcare choices for their child? In the event of an adverse reaction, especially if a child is unconscious, how is a parent, first responder, or other healthcare professionals supposed to provide appropriate medical care to the child?
Nothing prevents children from consenting to experimental vaccines, There is nothing in the law that prevents children from “consenting" to experimental vaccines.
STDs are not transmissible in school, As a sexually-transmitted disease there is no chance that HPV can be transmitted via casual contact at school, or anywhere else.  
Efficacy of Gardasil is in doubt, We also do not have solid evidence that vaccines actually prevent cervical cancer, which takes decades to develop and we have no solid data on how long the vaccine is allegedly effective.
    Please share this message with friends and family, and please share on social networks while we still can.
