Calling All Real and Genuine Whistleblowers
Attention all Real and Genuine whistle blowers, it is time for you to come forward and do what is right in defense of civil rights in the USA. Specifically the civil right to decide whether or not to inject anything into your or your child's body - Medical Freedom.
As readers of this blog will know we have documented how over the past year there has been an orchestrated effort targeting the Orthodox Jewish Community across America to get them to expel and excommunicate Orthodox Jews who choose not to vaccinate, and to get Orthodox Jewish nonprofit organizations, leaders, and even Rabbis, to support efforts to repeal vaccine religious exemptions.
Orthodox Jewish Communities across the country have gone above and beyond the letter of the law to persecute unvaccinated children and parents in their own communities. In many states despite there being Religious Exemptions for school attendance the private community religious schools have declared unilaterally that they will no longer accept Vaccine Religious exemptions. In Detroit, Cleveland, and Chicago, the Orthodox Jewish Schools have set up review boards for medical exemptions. So even if you have a valid medical exemption from your doctor the schools will disallow it unless their doctor approves it. The doctors on these inquisition boards are only following ACIP/CDC "recommendations" for Vaccine contraindications and not allowing any other recommendations from Medical Doctors who disagree with ACIP /CDC religious dogma disguised as science.
In Boca Raton, Synagogues are requiring proof of vaccination for admittance and disallowing MEDICAL EXEMPTIONS unless approved by their doctors.
They have even gone so far as to initiate legislation in their state legislatures to abolish religious exemptions in Ohio, Florida, Michigan, and Connecticut. Thats right, Orthodox Jewish Rabbis mostly from the so called "Modern Orthodox" or "Centrist" stream, have been lobbying State Legislators in these states to remove religious liberty. Franz Kafka is alive and well.
We believe that this Rabbinic Pascification effort was coordinated by government and industry in order to take out opposition to mandatory vaccination in a religious community that is a well connected, politically powerful,wealthy demographic, in order to make it easier to crush vaccine opposition in other religious communities like say the Old Order Amish or other Christian or even Muslim communities.
We believe that this nationwide, coordinated,orchestrated effort is illegal and violated numerous state and federal laws including the RICO act and various civil rights laws.We believe this effort was motivated by hatred for religion, sincerely held religious beliefs, and fueled by the corporate greed of the Pharmaceutical industry.
We ask if you have any information that can lead to successful criminal and or civil action against the individuals and entities responsible for this conspiracy to deny religious and medical freedom that you email that information to
Some examples would include:
New York City Department of Health employees. It was rumored that NYCDOH inspectors who were targeting yeshivas in Williamsburg, and Borough Park Brooklyn for very intrusive inspections admitted that NYCDOH brass was deliberately discriminating against the "JEWS" specifically the "religious Hassidic Jews" in Williamsburg, and Borough Park. If you are an NYCDOH employee and your conscious bothers you, and you would like a chance at getting compensation under the Federal whistle blower law let us know.
Dr. Stuart Ditchek admitted in public emails posted on this blog that he was part of a nationwide effort to get yeshivas to refuse admission to vaccinated students and that he had crossed state lines in order to participate in that conspiracy. Any information and documentation pertaining to that nationwide effort as well as the local efforts would be helpful. It has been reported that Dr Ditchek was involved in clinical trials for vaccines such as Infanrix. Thus the possibility exists that his efforts to discriminate against the religious rights of non vaccinators were financed by the vaccine industry and coordinated by the CDC. It should make even pro vaxxers uncomfortable that the government and industry are on a mission to stamp out religious belief in order to force their products on the population.
Rabbi Efrem Goldberg from Boca Raton referenced a national public policy change "a policy that "we—together with Jewish institutions around the country—have instituted, which prohibits non-vaccinated children from attending or participating without a "valid" medical exemption." Information as to how this policy change was decided, who coordinated it, who funded the coordination, would be helpful. Rabbi Efrem Goldberg has been a vocal proponent of the effort to strip religious liberty and bodily autonomy from his coreligionists and force them to bow to the Idol of the pharmaceutical industry,. He should be held accountable to the full extent of the law. Alongside him is Rabbi David Shabtai M.D. who has apparently lobbied Florida legislators to revoke religious exemptions with the false claim that Judaism does not recognize a Vaccine Religious exemption.
We would like to know who helped "Rabbi" Dr Shabtai craft his messaging and who funded his efforts.
As the effort to destroy religious liberty in the Orthodox Jewish Community was mounted nationwide we can not help but wonder what role was played by the two most prominent national organizations representing the Orthodox community, Agudath Israel and the Orthodox Union. Did they receive grant money from the government or from government cutout nonprofits in order to silence them and buy their cooperation? How else does one explain their capitulation to this bold removal of religious liberty, something which they claim to fight for.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has explained how the ruthless pharmaceutical industry has disarmed every institutional protection standing between them and the harm they are inflicting on children.
- The regulatory agencies of the CDC and FDA have been captured by the Pharmaceutical companies.
- The 1986 Vaccine Injury Compensation Act removed product liability from the manufacturers so the courts are no longer available for justice.
- The Congress and the local State legislatures have been bought off by Pharma money.
- The Main Stream Media has been bought off.
- The medical trade organizations like the AAP have been bought off.