Mothers and Children Fight the Tyrants in Albany
Below is an amazing video of courageous protestors - women and children - spontaneously breaking through security barriers in the New York State Department of Education Building - a public building. The protestors were there to ask the Board of Regents to override the Vaccine Religious Exemption Repeal passed by the New York Democrats and signed by Crooked Cuomo, and to allow 26,000 children back into private and public school across New York State.
Kudos to Rita Palma of the New York Alliance For Vaccine Rights and My Kids My Choice for having the guts and courage to pull this off.
Today the government is evicerating the rights of unvaccinated children to go to school under the false pretense of "safety" - a big lie. Compulsory Vaccination is a War Crime and a violation of the Nuremberg code. If this immoral law is allowed to stand we are not far from forced euthanasia, forced birth control, and forced abortion, under the false pretense of the greater good. The Democrat Party has descended into Fascism.They must be stopped. Fortunately for the Democrats, these women and children have shown that we can stop their immoral agenda through non violent means.