The Google Facebook Twitter Fascist Juggernaut
EXCLUSIVE: Google to block all anti-cancer, “anti-vax” and anti-GMO websites at the browser level as tech giant goes all-in with pharma drug cartels
Tuesday, July 02, 2019 by: Mike AdamsTags: Anti Vaccine, anti-cancer, Anti-vax, badcancer, badfood, badhealth, badmedicine, badscience, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Censorship, drug cartels, Glitch, Google, natural health, natural medicine, oppression, tech giants, Tyranny, vaccines

Within a year or so, the Google Chrome browser won’t even allow a user to visit sites like without changing the browser’s default settings. The only websites accessible through Chrome will be those which are “approved” to promote mass medication, chemotherapy, pesticides, vaccines, fluoride, 5G cell towers and other poisons that enrich powerful, globalist corporations while dumbing down the population.
This is the conclusion from a high-level source that told Natural News months ago about the coming purge of organics and natural health websites from Google — a purge that accelerated last week with the removal of and thousands of other natural health sites from Google search results.
The situation has become so insane that now Google is pushing search suggestions like “organics is a lie” and “supplements are bad.” Google’s algorithm has already been trained to claim that “GMOs are good” and “chiropractic is fake.” See the shocking proof here.
The corporate establishment is now pushing total censorship to keep the public trapped in a cycle of disease, medication and ignorance
The war on health and nutrition is accelerating, and just today, the Wall Street Journal published an orchestrated hit piece against “Christ Beat Cancer” while calling for tech giants to ban all websites and content that discusses natural alternatives to chemotherapy and cancer surgery. Big Pharma is behind the push, of course, to scrub the internet of all content that threatens pharmaceutical profits or reveals the very real risks of using their medication, vaccine and chemotherapy products.The only way Big Pharma can maintain its market monopoly position, in other words, is if the public is kept in the dark about the dangers of mass medication. Censorship has become pivotal to Big Pharma’s business model. Public knowledge is the enemy of pharma profits.
Now, Google, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are going all-in with the pharmaceutical giants and agreeing to engage in coordinated censorship of natural health information that might convince someone to avoid pharmaceuticals, vaccines or pesticide-saturated foods. Every person who eats organics or prevents disease using nutrition and herbs, after all, is a “lost revenue opportunity” from the point of view of the pharmaceutical giants. And to enforce the profit model, the tech giants are deliberately transforming themselves into anti-knowledge gatekeepers. Google search, for example, no longer returns information that contributes to human knowledge on health, vaccines or cancer. Instead, Google search results anti-knowledge results designed to prevent the public from learning new things about health, prevention and natural cures.
In doing this, Big Tech has agreed to collude with Big Pharma to wage an online drug racket that silences all speech which contradicts the propaganda and fraudulent science of the pharmaceutical industry, which is steeped in a long history of science fraud, bribery of doctors, running illegal experiments on humans, price fixing and much more.
Google will also penalize all websites that promote Donald Trump, Christianity or conservatism
The censorship of the tech giants won’t stop at natural health information, of course. Natural News has also learned that Google’s algorithms are being aggressively modified to penalize or block all websites that promote Donald Trump, Christianity or conservatism. This is being done at the browser level, where Chrome browsers will remotely download lists of websites to block or penalize.The Chrome browser may either display a warning message when a user attempts to access one of the sites (i.e. “Warning: This site contains dangerous information,” etc.) or the browser may completely block the website, requiring the user to manually bypass the blocking in order to access the site.
In essence, websites that promote nutrition, natural health, herbal medicine or the healing arts will be categorized by Google as “malicious content” sites, similar to sites that contain hacking scripts or malware. This is all being put into place at the highest levels of Google and will affect all Google products, including YouTube, Google News and others.
Google to monitor users who attempt to access “banned” websites
According to our source, Google’s Chrome browser will also report back to Google when a logged in users attempts to access one of these sites, adding a “social penalty score” to that user, mirroring communist China’s social credit scoring system. This social scoring system will be later used by Google to deny services to users who are considered “untrustworthy” by Google.Google Chrome is already well-documented to be “surveillance software” that spies on its own users. As published on
A new review has revealed that Google Chrome is shamelessly spying on its users — and collecting data on them to build profiles of their likes, interests and personalities. This “surveillance software” used to be the stuff of dystopian fiction nightmares but is now our unfortunate reality.
Geoffrey A. Fowler, a columnist for the Washington Post, took a deeper look at Google Chrome, and was shocked by what he found: It tracks everything — including your location, and even if you disable the feature. Now is the time to switch to a new web browser.
What the Washington Post did not report is that Google is building a China-steyle “social score” on each user, and that accessing “unapproved” websites that discuss nutrition, organics or alternative cancer treatments will results in a penalty for that user.
The penalty can be used by Google to block that user’s access to Gmail, Google Maps, Google Docs, YouTube or other Google websites and services. Although we don’t have any information yet to confirm this is happening, it is also theoretically possible for Google and Facebook to collaborate on penalty sharing so that users with negative scores would be locked out of their Facebook Libra cryptocurrency wallets, for example.
The censorship goes way beyond political targeting
Over the last year, Natural News has been warning the world that censorship is coming for health-oriented content, but almost no one believed the warning. Most publishers in the health and nutrition space said nothing while the tech giants were censoring political content, believing that they wouldn’t be affected because they only published food and health information, not politics.But as we’ve seen over the last two weeks, the censorship aims of Google, Facebook and Twitter don’t stop at politics. The purge is now affecting health and nutrition websites, and “anti-cancer” or “anti-vax” websites are the primary targets right now, with everyone from Vimeo to MailChimp now banning vaccine awareness channels outright.
The truth is that too many people accepted the political censorship because they hated Trump, so they stood back and said nothing as the censorship machine expanded. Now, that same machine is engulfing health and nutrition content, steamrolling the very people who thought they would be immune to Big Tech’s criminal racketeering and fraud.
In truth, Google’s censorship is far from over. Unless something is done to restore free speech online, over the next few years the tech giants will annihilate all “anti-establishment” content from the web in the most massive online book burning the world has ever witnessed. No dissent will be allowed on any topic, including transgenderism, politics, open borders, finance or history. Google’s transformation into the Ministry of Truth will be complete, and social media will be nothing but an echo chamber of official lies repeated by obedient sheeple.
Unless the march of techno-tyranny is stopped, there will be no “alternative” media. There will be no alternative views allowed to circulate anywhere. The tech giants will rule the world with lies and coordinated censorship, annihilating all information sources that dare question the status quo on anything.
And in that world, no one will be safe. Because no one will be free to think, speak or share information without the authorization of the techno-fascists.
If this is the world in which you want to live, just do nothing… because that world is being constructed right now, and if you don’t resist it, that’s the world which will dominate society for the foreseeable future.
Or, humanity could choose to rise up and defeat that tech giants like we defeated the Third Reich. Humanity could declare war on the techno-fascists, taking them all offline and restoring freedom to humanity. It is doubtful, by the way, that government is going to do anything to stop the tech tyrants, since their censorship promotes the interests of globalist corporations and establishment power brokers. But truth be told, even the employees of Google are complicit in crimes against humanity, just like the soldiers of the Third Reich who slaughtered human beings in their quest for power.
What’s clear is that if humanity is to be free, Google and the other tech giants must be eliminated.
Until that day comes, here are some alternative information sources you can use to bypass Google:
Alternative browsers:
The Brave browser offers an alternative to Chrome, even though it runs on some Chrome code.
GAB is reportedly working on a free speech browser.
Alternative search engines:
Aside from the well-known search engine, there’s also which searches only the independent media.
Alternatives to YouTube:
With YouTube censoring channels that talk about anti-cancer foods and vaccine ingredients, you’ll want to move to alternative video platforms. and are the two best alternatives we know of right now. was built by us, and it is currently undergoing a transition to version 2.0, after which new features will be introduced, including channel subscriptions.
Alternative news aggregation sites: is rapidly emerging as the best news aggregation site, and it’s updated far more rapidly than Drudge.
There’s also and, both of which feature news aggregation headlines of censored stories. In addition, there are many sites featuring collections of some original stories mixed with stories aggregated from other sites. These include, and, among others.
Alternatives to Twitter:
In addition to which is well known as a free speech platform, is rapidly emerging as a contender for the next social media hub for free speech. will also feature twitter-like functionality later in 2019.
Note that both Google and Apple are actively blocking the apps for most of these sites and services. Both Google and Apple are criminal enterprises engaged in clear racketeering and monopoly behavior, yet so far, no one from the federal government has dared go after these tech giants for their obviously illegal behavior.
Start shifting NOW to alternative browsers, video platforms, social media platforms and search engines. Soon, the “mainstream” internet will allow no speech whatsoever unless that speech praises the pharma giants, the Democrat party, the LGBT agenda, anti-gun groups and so on.