Hash Tag Me Too and Parents of Vaccine Injured and Killed Children

We are now apparently living in the dawning of the age of "Hash Tag Me Too' insofar as the issue of sexual harassment of women and sexual molestation of children. This new "liberating" movement is predicated on the notion that anyone who claims victim hood of a sexual nature is to be given the presumption of credibility and belief. With this new movement, the "old tired" notion of the presumption of innocence for someone accused of a crime, has been thrown out the window.
When this new social norm is coupled with the power of the World Wide Web and the mob frenzy culture that the internet enables, we have what can essentially be classified as a world wide Mobocracy. If the Mob judges you guilty, you are guilty and you will hang.
Before I go any further I must virtue signal and declare explicitly, that I have zero tolerance for someone who molests a child, or sexually harasses an adult man or a woman, or for people and particularly, organizations, that enable and cover up such behavior.
What is striking though, is the hypocrisy of the Hash Tag Me Too Community. There are  thousands of personal accounts recorded by "Vaxxed" documentarian Polley Tommey,of parents whose children were severely and permanently damaged or killed by vaccines. Yet the Internet Mob has overwhelmingly dismissed these vaccine injury victims as "crazy" "unscientific" "misinformed" "uneducated" "Fanatical Religious Zealots" "Dangerous" "Irresponsible" or too stupid to understand the esoteric concept of "correlation does not equal causation".
All of a sudden when it comes to vaccine injury of children and adults, the Hash Tag Me Too thought leaders are conspicuously complicit when it comes to denial and coverup.

The number one lesson of the all the sex abuse scandals that were covered up in the past is that we must take the victim seriously and not add insult to injury by saying "it can't be". If there is to be any consistency, this same lesson must be applied to parents,doctors,and scientists, who challenge the entrenched dogma,surrounding vaccines and say "we were grievously harmed." How dare Andrew Cuomo and his Health Commissioner Howard Zucker, and Zuckers wife Jane the NYC DOH  commissioner get up on the bully pulpit and dismiss the claims that vaccines are unsafe and are harming children.
How about standing with the victims of big pharma and the CDC?  


