It's not just about vaccines
Below are 4 articles from the Bolen Report Circa 2016 - 2017 written by Karri Lewis regarding the wider agenda of ending religious exemptions for mandatory school vaccination and who and what is behind it. Although she was writing about California at the time, the same thing is being repeated now in New York State. As celebrated today January 2, 2019 on the website of Yeshiva World News with the headline GOV CUOMO PROMISES: In Next 100 Days, ‘Most Progressive Agenda New York Has EVER SEEN, Period’. Yeshiva World News has been heavily promoting the progressive, anti parents rights agenda, by going to war against Orthodox Jewish parents who opt out of mandatory school vaccination utilizing the vaccine religious exemption laws. Yeshiva World News has been at the forefront of a public relations campaign to justify throwing several thousand healthy unvaccinated children out of yeshiva schools in New York State, and across the country for the last two months. Who owns and controls Yeshiva World News? According to that most authoritative source of real, genuine, unfaked information, "Wikipedia", it is a man named Judah Eckstein. Judah, I hope you take some time to reflect on the damage you have caused, and I hope you take this opportunity to apologize to the thousands of children and parents in the Orthodox Jewish community across the U.S. whose lives you have ruined. I hope you will take this opportunity to see the error of your ways and repent and to somehow find a way to rectify and undo the damage you have wrought. You and your allies, need to make a choice. Are you with Cuomo and his "progressive" agenda? Or are you with The Holy One Blessed Be He, and the Jewish People?
Part 1
California State Senator Richard “The State Owns Your Child” Pan is At It Again…
Talk about Deja-Vu!

Anyone noticing a theme here?
Introduced by Senator Pan on December 5, 2016, this is where Senate Bill 18 comes into play.
While the title of the bill seems innocuous, “Bill of Rights for Children and Youth in California,” this bill expands the California Bureaucracy’s endless control over your child.
- *Think* forced ADHD and Anti-Psychotic medications given in school or by your doctor without your consent or knowledge
- Gardakill death shots for all Jr. High School Students without your knowledge
- Forced electroshock treatments for children that are deemed problematic in or outside of school
- The legalization of corrupt judges sending your child to their “Kids for Cash programs”
- Child sex trafficking by CPS
Senator Richard “The State Owns Your Child” Pan must be salivating.

The text of Senate Bill 18 begins by acknowledging that there are already laws in place to protect California’s children’s rights:
“Existing law provides for the care and welfare of children and youth in various contexts, including, but not limited to, child welfare services, foster care, health care, nutrition, homeless assistance, and education.”
“Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 80 (Res. Ch. 101, Stats. 2009) declares the Legislature’s support of a Bill of Rights for the Children and Youth of California that resolves to invest in all children and youth in order to achieve specified goals to create an optimal environment for their healthy development.”
But Senator Richard “The State Owns Your Child” Pan would like to add:
“This bill would declare the intent of the Legislature to expand and codify the Bill of Rights for Children and Youth of California to establish a comprehensive framework that governs the rights of all children and youth in California, outlines the research-based essential needs of California’s children, and establishes standards relating to the health, safety, well-being, early childhood and educational opportunities, and familial supports necessary for all children to succeed. The bill would declare the intent of the Legislature, by January 1, 2022, to enact legislation for the purpose of ensuring that the Bill of Rights for Children and Youth of California, in its totality, is applied evenly, equitably, and appropriately to all children and youth across the state.”
The full text of the bill can be found here.
So basically, Senate Bill 18 allows the state of California to act on the behalf of any child, irregardless of parental and/or informed consent.
Because your child will be given “rights” that allow the state to gain consent from your child for any “research-based” experiment that the State of California sees fit to inflict, parents will no longer have a way to protect their child from basic human rights abuses.
Senate Bill 18 should be a BIG WAKE UP CALL to ALL Californians to take back their government and Stop the ABUSE of Children within the state.
The corruption must be stopped and people like, Senator Richard “The State Owns Your Child” Pan, must be ousted from office and replaced with moral, caring and constitutional-loving people. It really is time to DRAIN the SWAMP!
Part Two

Just WHO IS Sponsoring California State Senator Richard Pan’s Destruction of Parental Rights?
As if hell bent on destroying the family unit; and enacting the state of California as guardian (sic) of ALL of the state’s children, Senator Richard Pan wasted no time in beginning another attack on parental rights.
Senate Bill 18 is a parent’s worst nightmare come true.
In a townhall event put on by Senator Richard Pan in June 2016, it was announced that James P. Steyer from Common Sense Media was co-hosting the, “Talk with Experts and Provide your Input on the Children’s Bill of Rights Legislation,” advertised event.

This describes the non-profit, Common Sense Media’s mission statement according to Wikipedia:
“Common Sense Media reviews thousands
of movies, TV shows, music, video games, apps, web sites and books.
Based on developmental criteria, the reviews provide guidance regarding
each title’s age appropriateness, as well as a “content grid” that rates
particular aspects of the title including educational value, violence,
sex, gender messages and role models, and more. For each title, Common
Sense Media indicates the age for which a title is either appropriate or
most relevant. An overall five-star quality rating is also included, as
are discussion questions to help families talk about their
entertainment. In addition to Common Sense Media’s traditional rating
system, they also offer a set of learning based ratings, which are
designed to determine complex educational values.[7][10]
Common Sense Media partners with a
number of media companies that distribute the organization’s free
content to more than 100 million homes in the United States. According
to Common Sense Media’s website, the organization has content
distribution contracts with Road Runner, TiVo, Yahoo!, Comcast, Time
Warner Cable, DIRECTV, Disney, NBC Universal, Netflix, Best Buy, Google,
AOL/Huffington Post, Fandango, Trend Micro, Verizon Foundation,
Nickelodeon, Bing, Cox Communications, Kaleidescape, AT&T, and
NCM.[11] The organization’s current rating system differs from the
system used by the Motion Picture Association of America and the
Entertainment Software Rating Board. It has received positive support
from parents, and was singled out by US President Barack Obama as a
model for using technology to empower parents.[12][13] Common Sense
Media began allowing studios to use their ratings and endorsements in
order to promote family-friendly movies in 2014. The first film to use
the endorsement was Disney’s Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No
Good, Very Bad Day.[14]”
Why on earth would Common Sense
Media, a supposedly family friendly company, support the stealing of
parental rights by the state of California via Senator Richard Pan?Back to that question in a second.
“Pressing Issues Facing Children in Our Community: Children’s Bill of Rights and the Right Start Commission Report,” was the subject of Senator Richard Pan’s and Jim Steyer’s townhall meeting.
The “Right Start Commission” was created by Common Sense Media that created the, “Pressing Issues Facing Children in Our Community: Children’s Bill of Rights and the Right Start Commission Report.”
Got it? The “Right Start Commision” and Common Sense Media are one and the same.
And why would Common Sense Media want to systematically destroy family bonds by supporting legislation that would give power over to the state of California to make ALL decisions about children’s Education, Healthcare, and Emotional well-being?
Pan’s Senate Bill 18 is talking about standardizing education, healthcare and mental health for ALL California Children.
Standardization means a one-size-fits-all approach to ALL children.

The writing’s on the wall.
Children will be at the mercy of their teachers and other outside professionals; including medical doctors, mental health professionals, CPS, judges and other authority figures deemed approved by the state.
Medical Kidnap and CPS unnecessarily removing children from loving homes are already a problem in the state of California.
And the scary reality is that “human trafficking busts have turned up that large quantities of victims who are actually wards of the state — via CPS“
This BEGS the question, why is Common Sense Media supporting such a communist agenda when it comes to families and their children?
Before I begin to help answer some of these questions, please be aware that I’m of sound mind. I am also not suicidal and/or depressed.
With that, let’s begin to take a look at the connections and people involved in the stripping away of parental rights.
One needs look no further than, James (Jim) P. Steyer, the founder and CEO of the nonprofit, Common Sense Media.
Jim Steyer is the brother of billionaire Tom Steyer.

Learn more about the Steyer brothers here.
Jim Steyer is allegedly named in the Hillary Clinton wikileaks email data dump, that some believe to be child rape evidence, including some branches of law enforcement. John Podesta was in direct contact with both Steyer brothers.
Learn more about John Podesta here.
The child sex trafficking and exploitation claims coming out of Washington D.C. are horrific.
The New York Times, while calling it a “conspiracy,” does a great job in spelling out the details of the emails and the ensuing explanation.
The article can be found here.
Jim Steyer and his brother Tom, are BOTH named and connected to these allegations.
The contents of wikileaks email messages are as follows:
Re: Walnut sauce?ing
Date: 2015-04-11 20:28
Subject: Re: Walnut sauce?ing
Date: 2015-04-11 20:28
Subject: Re: Walnut sauce?ing
Indeed, Mary. :).
I’m coming to town the week after next and will bring some walnuts!
From: Mary Podesta []
Sent: Saturday, April 11, 2015 03:18 PM Pacific Standard Time
To: John Podesta <>
Cc: Tom Steyer; Jim Steyer
Subject: Re: Walnut sauce?ing
Sent: Saturday, April 11, 2015 03:18 PM Pacific Standard Time
To: John Podesta <>
Cc: Tom Steyer; Jim Steyer
Subject: Re: Walnut sauce?ing
Walnut growing northern CA surely
knows and celebrates walnut pasta sauce? Actually what surprises me is
that we haven’t already served it to you.
On Apr 11, 2015 3:51 PM, “John Podesta” <<>> wrote:
It’s an amazing Ligurian dish made with crushed walnuts made into a paste. So stop being so California.
–Sent from my iPad–<>
For scheduling:<>
–Sent from my iPad–<>
For scheduling:<>
> On Apr 11, 2015, at 5:45 PM, Jim Steyer <<>> wrote:
> Hey John,
> We know you’re a true master of cuisine and we have appreciated that for years …
> But walnut sauce for the pasta? Mary, plz tell us the straight story, was the sauce actually very tasty?
> Love to all the Podestas from the Steyers! Cheers,
> Jim
These are the people involved in the Washington D.C. pedophile investigation!>
> Hey John,
> We know you’re a true master of cuisine and we have appreciated that for years …
> But walnut sauce for the pasta? Mary, plz tell us the straight story, was the sauce actually very tasty?
> Love to all the Podestas from the Steyers! Cheers,
> Jim
This is unbelievable! Perverts and child molesters are sponsoring Senator Richard Pan’s Senate Bill 18?
You just can’t make this stuff up!
It’s starting to all make sense now.
In Tim Bolen’s article, “Hillary Clinton PERSONALLY arranged For Chinese Vaccine Manufacturers to Avoid US Government Scrutiny,” (he) discloses how HRC pre-approved Chinese vaccine manufacturers through the World Health Organization to completely bypass ANY US Agency inspections.
Obviously, the concern for the welfare of children is the furthest thing from California Senator Richard “the State Owns Your Child” Pan’s and his cronies’ mind.
There is Indeed a theme here.
Stay tuned California.
Part 3

Communism, Common Sense, and What Senator Richard Pan Intends For California’s Children…
Opinion By Karri Lewis AWAKE California
According to the US Supreme Court in the 1979 Parham Versus J.R Case:

California Senator Richard Pan’s attack on Californian’s Parental Rights has morphed into an all out assault on family and religious rights – in complete defiance of the US Constitution.
Senate Bill 18 is the culmination of all of a totalitarian socialist state’s hatred for liberty and freedom.
Called a “Spot Bill,” Senate Bill 18 is, according to the California legislative analyst, “a bill that amends a code section in such an innocuous way as to be totally nonsubstantive. The bill has been introduced to assure that a germane vehicle will be available at a later date after the deadline has passed to introduce bills. At that future date, the bill can be amended with more substance included.”Senate Bill 18 is dangerous because it is made to look not harmful or offensive, so that it might pass easily.

Senator Pan currently sits on 17 different state committees, including the Children with Special Needs committee, which is ironic considering all of the additional vaccine injuries that his Senate Bill 277 has caused.
Senator Pan has a lot of influence in Sacramento and with the other California Senators.
Many believe that since Senator Pan has strong ties to Big Pharma that he intends to add MANY REQUIRED Medical Interventions for Children.Religious Freedom is NOT listed in the text of Pan’s Senate Bill 18 as a Guaranteed Right for children.
If SB 18 becomes law no practicing Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, etc. child will be allowed to observe the practices of his or her religion, if these practices go against state-designed-and-approved indoctrination.Why isn’t a child’s religious freedom a guaranteed right?

Communism, you will remember from learning days, includes state ownership of the people, including children.
This SB 18 bill is just the first step towards a California totalitarian Communist State.

It’s always easier to begin with the children.
Speaking of beginning with children…Common Sense Media, the book censorship group, is sponsoring Senate Bill 18.
Just what is the exact agenda of Common Sense Media? Let’s look…
Their intent is to control what California students are taught.Common Sense Media is a strong supporter of Common Core, and much more. You can tell exactly what this group is by reviewing what they already support, and endorse.
With Common Core Every child will be required to have the same education (socialist indoctrination), whether that is the ideal way for the child to learn or NOT.
No Exceptions.
What’s concerning about Common Sense Media is that on their website they promote and endorse, a supposedly safe and child-friendly website called Kidzworld. On the surface, this website appears to be a safe and kid-friendly environment.
However, after reading quite a few parental reviews I found on the Common Sense Media website:
Another horrifying picture begins to emerge:Parents’ reviews of Kidzworld are claiming that their children were solicited for sex. One parent alleged that her child was solicited to meet at McDonald’s for a sexual threesome on the Kidzworld website in a chat room. See below:

Take a LOOK at these quotes from parents on the Common Sense Media website:
1 star review: “Not Okay This
website is not recommended at all. I let my 10 year old daughter use it
and people chatted her horrible things when she rejected their friend
requests. They threatened to kill her, kill themselves, etc. I made sure
my daughter was off it immediately. There are probably crazy people
there! I emailed the manager and reported the texts, but he only
answered. “chill” I was annoyed. My daughter’s account have not been
deleted. I blocked the website from her device, and I told all her
friend’s parents to watch out for kidzworld. Stay away from this website
to keep your child safe”
2 star review: “Sexting 101 – My
child insists it’s “role playing” but the conversations had with others
of both sexes are very sexual in nature. There is no moderation that I
can tell. I am disappointed that Common Sense Media would give this site
such a good rating.”
1 star review: “UNSAFE!!!!!!!!!! It’s
obviously a dating site. I let my son play on there, and two girls
asked him if he wanted to have sex. And MANY kids on there called him
BAD names and try to convience him to go on drugs, smoke, and drinking
>:(. I am HIGHLY disappointed! Kidzworld should be on the top ten
UNSAFEST sites ever! >:c. Now my 7 year old is watching porn and
became a pervert!!!!!!!!! THE MANAGER SHOULD BE ARRESTED!!!!
1 star review: “PARENTS BEWARE! Within
3 hours of being on that website for the first time, my daughter was
contacted by at least 3 adults who asked for photos of her legs in
stockings, a miniskirt, etc. The website is a haven for predators and
should be shut down.”
1 star review: “Nope, never ever again.
I let my 9 year old cousin try out this site 6 months ago. I set the
privacy settings and everything. I let her chat, make friends, and told
her if you see someone mean or inappropriate, report them or tell me.
She agreed. A week or two later, I decided to be a bad cousin and look
at her account. (I let her post 1 picture of herself which was a HUGE
mistake…..) I saw all these comments on her profile saying “hey cutie”
“wanna be my gf?” “lets have sex, meet at McDonalds?” I deleted all of
these people, except for those she knew. Then I went on chat. Oh the
chat! Language, sex talk, dating (these kids had “online” partners!),
suicidal talk, and even more! I was starting to think these people LIED
about their ages. A social network for kids 9-18? That’s not safe at
all. I wouldn’t let my sisters, cousins, or future kids ever talk with
someone online who’s 17! Especially someone they do not know. If you are
thinking of choosing Kidzworld, I highly recommend you do NOT.”
Those parent reviews, and more, can be found on the Common Sense Media website here.Common Sense Media’s mission of “We believe in sanity, not censorship,” takes on a whole new meaning with these parent reviews.
So, let’s ask a question here. “Will pedophilia, inappropriate and perverted, behavior be forcibly accessible to EVERY child in the state of California via their Common Sense Media required school websites?
Common Sense Media is pushing their website and content throughout the public schools.
Common Sense Media was busy hiring parents and teachers, this past summer to help further their Senate Bill 18 agenda throughout the state. For details click here.
Are these the kind of “rights” that California children will have, after Senate Bill 18 passes?
Yikes!Stay tuned.
Opinion By Karri Lewis AWAKE California
Part 4

Just WHAT ARE these Children’s Rights that California Senator Richard Pan Speaks of?
Opinion by Karri Lewis AWAKE California
While California Senator Richard Pan is frantically sending out feel-good media propaganda pieces in a desperate attempt to cover-up the fact that Senate Bill 18 gives the state complete control over ALL California children, word is spreading.

Rappoport says:
“Catch the flavor of the wording. It
emerges like swamp gas: “The Legislature finds and declares that all
children and youth, regardless of gender, class, race, ethnicity,
national origin, culture, religion, immigration status, sexual
orientation, or ability, have inherent rights that entitle them to
protection, special care, and assistance, including, but not limited to,
the following: The right to parents, guardians, or caregivers who act
in their best interest. The right to form healthy attachments with
adults responsible for their care and well-being. The right to live in a
safe and healthy environment. The right to social and emotional
well-being. The right to opportunities to attain optimal cognitive,
physical, and social development. The right to appropriate, quality
education and life skills leading to self-sufficiency in adulthood. The
right to appropriate, quality health care.”
As if all these outcomes could be delivered to children on a silver platter.
And the State would make it so?
This bill is basically setting up the
population of California for state regulatory agencies to fill in the
blanks later, to make specific controls out of the vague generalities in
the bill. Get it? “Medical care and nutrition and parenting and education are what we say they are. We define and enforce, you obey.”
Rappoport goes on to explain WHERE all of this is coming from:
“But let’s go to the money. In SB18, a group is referred to: the Peninsula Partnership Leadership Council.
This Council has already written a children’s bill of rights, and SB18
is saying this is the model. This is the framework. This the pattern
they’re following.
That’s odd.
Pay attention. This is where it becomes VERY interesting.
The Peninsula Partnership is a group organized within the San Mateo County Office of Education. One piddling little California county education department.
The Peninsula Partnership is a group organized within the San Mateo County Office of Education. One piddling little California county education department.
The Peninsula Partnership Leadership
Council (PPLC) is composed of the San Mateo County Superintendent of
Schools, the County Board of Supervisors and the Silicon Valley
Community Foundation.
It’s a non-profit that has assets of $7.3 BILLION. It runs 1800 philanthropic funds. Here are some of its corporate partners:
Alexza Pharmaceuticals. Microsoft. Pepsico Foundation. Cisco. Hewlett Packard. Dell. Symantec. Unilever. Plus something called the SV2 Silicon Valley Social Venture Fund, “building and scaling social inventions.”
Alexza Pharmaceuticals. Microsoft. Pepsico Foundation. Cisco. Hewlett Packard. Dell. Symantec. Unilever. Plus something called the SV2 Silicon Valley Social Venture Fund, “building and scaling social inventions.”
For some reason, this huge
Foundation is pushing a children’s bill of rights that is reflected in a
new CA bill, SB18, that will eventually make the State the top-dog
controlling force over all children in California.
You can bet these corporate partners
will reap profits. Beyond that, this is their version of a MASSIVE
social engineering program. And that program is part of a technocratic
movement to plan, format, and run the lives of the population from
cradle to grave, because…
The hi-tech scientists and engineers know best.
It’s that stark.”
In addition to Common Sense Media, we have all of these other corporate beneficiaries that stand to profit off of Senator Richard Pan’s SB18.Wow! What a HUMONGOUS financial boon and consumer capture for these corporations!
Parents, doesn’t it make you feel good that Senator Richard Pan wants to sell your parental rights over to a bunch of what some are calling satanic, child molesters (scroll to about 1/3 of the way down the page) and corporate profiteers?Scary.
Back to the topic at hand…
Just WHAT ARE these Children’s Rights that Senator Richard Pan speaks of?Let’s take a look…
As I was researching, I came across a short 35 minute documentary, “Overruled: Government Invasion of your Parental Rights.”
Boy, was that video absolutely eye-opening and thought-provoking!
If you have not seen it, I highly recommend clicking on the above link and watching it for yourself.
The main take-away from this documentary is about how our involvement with the United Nations has led to the stealing (globalization) of our children and the gifting of them to the state through our state legislators.
This all began on February 16, 1995, when then President Bill Clinton, had secretary of state, Madeleine Albright sign the “United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child TREATY.”
According to Wikipedia:
“However, though generally supportive of the Convention, President Bill Clinton did not submit it to the Senate.[6] Likewise, President Bush did not submit the Convention to the Senate. President Barack Obama has described the failure to ratify the Convention as ’embarrassing’ and has promised to review this.[7][8] The Obama administration has said that it intends to submit the Convention to the Senate, but there is no set timeline for it.[9]
States may, when ratifying the
Convention, ratify subject to reservations or interpretations. Besides
other obligations, ratification of the Convention would require the
United States to submit reports, outlining its implementation on the
domestic level, to the U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child,
a panel of child rights experts from around the world. Parties must
report initially two years after acceding to (ratifying) the Convention
and then every five years.[10]“
Homeschool Legal Defense Association describes, The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, as “The Most Dangerous Attack on Parents’ Rights In the History of the United States:According to the Supremacy Clause in Article VI of the U.S. Constitution, a treaty directly applies to all citizens in the United States. Article VI, Section 2 states:
“All treaties made, or which shall be
made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law
of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby,
anything in the constitution of the laws of any state to the contrary
Looks like it’s time to ask President Trump to get us out of the United Nations and untangle ourselves from, “The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.”Taking Away Parental Rights, One State at a Time…
Washington State has already enacted a bill similar to Senate Bill 18 and has had so many problems and complaints from parents that they had to scale back on some of the laws that they were implementing.Take a look at the language of Washington’s children’s rights statute – RCW 13.34.020 – and then we’ll look at how Washington government agencies actually used it.
Legislative declaration of family unit as resource to be nurtured—Rights of child.
“The legislature declares that the
family unit is a fundamental resource of American life which should be
nurtured. Toward the continuance of this principle, the legislature
declares that the family unit should remain intact unless a child’s
right to conditions of basic nurture, health, or safety is jeopardized. When
the rights of basic nurture, physical and mental health, and safety of
the child and the legal rights of the parents are in conflict, the
rights and safety of the child should prevail. In making
reasonable efforts under this chapter, the child’s health and safety
shall be the paramount concern. The right of a child to basic nurturing
includes the right to a safe, stable, and permanent home and a speedy
resolution of any proceeding under this chapter.”
To pass “strict scrutiny,” the legislature must have passed the law to further a “compelling governmental interest,” and must have narrowly tailored the law to achieve that interest.
So, just below, is the reality of how liberal-communist Washington bureaucrats used the law against parents.
“A thirteen-year-old boy in Washington
State was removed from his parents after he complained to school
counselors that his parents took him to church too often. His school
counselors had encouraged him to call Child Protective Services with his
complaint, which led to his subsequent removal and placement in foster
care. It was only after the parents agreed to a judge’s requirement of
less-frequent church attendance that they were able to recover their
Once reported and in the system, parental decisions are ultimately
made by a random Washington State judge in a state appointed dog and
pony show, which includes a court-appointed “professional” to represent
your child.Got that?
Washington state even has a special bathroom law that gives special privileges to child predators… but I digress.
What to DO Next…
As Senate Bill 18, is pre-packaged and sold to the mainstream media as a wonderful idea, with new protections for children, it’s very important for all freedom loving citizens to get the word out.Speak out and inform your school boards, city councils, townhalls, friends and family.
The only way to beat this horrific bill is with the TRUTH.
Talk about Kidzworld.
Talk about 65% of the kids found in child trafficking rings are wards of the state.
Talk about the sponsors of this bill.
Talk about Senator Richard Pan and all of the money he is making passing bills that infringe on YOUR Parental Rights.
Get on the email list of
Folks, it’s up to you. Do not leave it to anyone else.Opinion by Karri Lewis AWAKE California
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