Fake Nonprofits and religious organizations used in disinformation dissemination for the vaccine industry

Fake Nonprofits and their use in disinformation dissemination for the vaccine industry and co-opting of religious organizations to push mandatory vaccination

Below is a link to a British Medical Journal article from this past November 2017  titled The unofficial vaccine educators: are CDC funded non-profits sufficiently independent
The article details how various 501C3 Non Profit Organizations are engaged in promoting compliance with CDC Vaccine recommendations and even in lobbying state governments to legislate away the Religious exemption to opt out from state mandated vaccines.The  nonprofits mentioned  
have innocuous sounding names like Immunization Action Coalition - IAC, Every Child By Two - ECBT, and of course the American Academy of Pediatrics - AAP. The article discusses how these organizations receive funding from the CDC and the Pharmaceutical industry to promote vaccines and to lobby on their behalf. It is interesting to see how the funding is hidden and obfuscated to make it difficult for the general public to see the whole picture.
As I mentioned previously there are rumors in Brooklyn New York, that the CDC has channeled funds through several religious non profit organizations for the same purpose. Those two organizations are the Agudah - Agudath Israel of America and the OU - Orthodox Union. The purpose of this supposed grant money is to heighten compliance with the vaccine schedule in Yeshiva boys schools and  Beis Yaakov girl schools.
If this rumor is true, it would demonstrate a cunningly evil genius methodology, namely using religious organizations themselves to undermine religious liberty and freedom. What a colossal Chutzpa.
Unfortunately, this tactic appears to have already been used in California in the passage of SB277 which removed the religious exemption. Rabbi Hershy Ten, President of the Bikur Cholim Of Los Angeles and his organization, were mentioned by Senator Richard Pan as supporters or endorsers of  SB277. Even after the passage of this tyrannical legislation, Rabbi Ten is quoted as saying the Jewish schools should go beyond the legislation and exclude non vaccinated children who were not covered by the law. It is safe to assume that Bikur Cholim of Los Angeles is the recipient of government grant money for various aspects of its operations and services. It is truly nefarious to manipulate religious non profit community organization like Bikur Cholim into supporting the dismantling of religious freedom and liberty. I urge rabbis,schools, and other community non profit charities that are being pushed around and manipulated by bureaucrat public health authorities, and lied to by pharmaceutical industry propaganda, to stand up for your rights and the rights of your communities. Take a close look at the actual scientific literature before deciding to throw away your religious rights.  
 Link to  British Medical Journal article
The unofficial vaccine educators: are CDC funded non-profits sufficiently independent?


James nick said…
Thank You for posting this blog. The focus of our program is related to how nonprofits build and maintain successful volunteer programs that enrich their organizations. The Eagle heart foundation US the most complete source of information about charities and other US Nonprofit Association.

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James nick said…
Thanks for sharing this blog post. We are all about togetherness - starting with personal self-awareness, family, community, cultural and global connections. The Eagle Heart Foundation historically has worked with US Nonprofit Association and continues to work with other nonprofits, community outreach programs etc.

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