How to save the State of Israel, draft the The Torah learners??? How to save oneself from the birthpangs of the Messiah, do the opposite!

Rabbi Elazar’s students asked Rabbi Elazar: What shall a person do to be spared from the pains preceding the coming of the Messiah? Rabbi Elazar said to them: They shall engage in Torah study and acts of kindness. - Sanhedrin 98b.

In a world where it is difficult if not impossible to any longer be astonished by current events and the depths of depravity which have taken hold of popular culture, we have un-elected elements of  the Israeli government, attempting to destroy the ultimate defensive and offensive weapon - the study of Torah.

Everyone can see that the world and humanity has never been in a greater state of chaos, and peril, than the present time. It seems perhaps that the Almighty is giving us these warnings to wake us up to do Teshuva, to repent. It is interesting that Rabbi Elazar did not say that one should repent in order to be spared from the birthpangs of the Messiah. Rather he said "Learn Torah and Do Acts of Kindness". Perhaps the implication is that even if one is a sinner, if he jumps into the study of Torah and performing acts Chesed, Kindness, to his fellow, he will be spared. Such is the power of Torah study and Gemiluth Chassadim.

On the other hand,in the Yom Kippur liturgy, we are reminded that "Repentance,Prayer,and Charity,remove the bad decree". No mention of Torah study or Acts of Kindness.

Perhaps the resolution is that Teshuva, Tzedaka, and Tefillah, are effective on their own in normal times. However in extraordinary times like, the days of Chevlei Moshiach, one must go even beyond the ordinary, and grab the Tree of Life - The Torah, with a complete devotion, as well as the performance of Acts of Kindness beyond regular charity.

Torah Im Gemilluth Chassodim. Let us get working.              
