Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Sets an Example for Civililzed Discourse and Debate
The Mishna in Avos teaches "Learn from every Man". We all ought to learn from the dignified and brilliant manner in which RFK JR. has comported himself in the face of relentless and withering attacks by the corrupt power structure over the last 18 years. In his eloquent,humble,and scintillatingly articulate manner, he conveys his message without ever losing his cool and without resorting to insult or hysterical deprecation of his opponents. All of us ought to aspire and be inspired to emulate that model of menschlichkeit and refinement of character and character traits. He is in many respects a living Mussar Sefer.
Those who fear debate or put ridiculous preconditions on having a discussion are really afraid of having to admit they are wrong. This posture is the opposite of intellectual honesty and the search for truth. Now the pro censorship crowd is panicking in the face of the Joe Rogan interview and the subsequent invitation to Peter Hotez to have a congenial no time limit discussion with RFK Jr. It is actually appalling that some of the pro censorship crowd have the temerity and gall to equate a scientific debate about the risks and benefits of the current childhood vaccine schedule, with a debate as to the veracity of the Holocaust. This is simply a vulgar and obscene attempt to deflect the glaringly obvious lack of science to support the false claim that vaccines are safe and effective.
It is however time to declare once again " Put up or Shut up". If you will not defend yourself and your scientific conclusions in the public arena, then you should leave the public arena and stop your totalitarian removal of our civil rights.