JE SUIS Donald Trump !!!!!!!!!
Democrat Party Domestic Terrorist Operative Alvin Bragg, has committed a crime against the American People. It is no less an act of terrorism than the massacre at Charlie Hebdo. In Bragg's case he has massacred our Democracy. Whether you like Donald Trump or not, it is time to declare solidarity with him and speak out clearly Je Suis Donald Trump - I am Donald Trump. No doubt, in the merit of freeing an innocent Shalom Rubashkin who was also railroaded by the Comey FBI Gestapo, President Trump will achieve a great salvation with the help of the Almighty. It was 3 years ago on April 13th 2020 that we published this short obituary in memory of The Republic of the United States of America It was obvious then that if Der Fuehrer Cuomo could simply abolish the Bill of Rights by executive fiat and get away with it, that our country and our rights were dead.
Now we see that the stench and decay of the dead body continues by the devolution of the justice system into a Sodomite justice system. In ancient Sodom there was a social inversion. If you were a good person you were punished severely, and if you were a depraved immoral person you were rewarded and cherished. This is the play book being followed by Alvin Bragg and his fellow traitors mostly from the Democrat party but with ample amounts of help from phony Republicans.
There are two possible outcomes to this mess. Either we repent and reverse the evil that is being forced on society by the deviant perverts like Alvin Bragg, Chuck Schumer, Letitia James, Kathy Hochul and their ilk. Or....... well go read scripture and see what happened to the Sodomites.