Gain Of Function is a euphemism for illegal Bioweapons Research
It was President Richard Nixon who spearheaded the effort to have the United States Congress ratify an international treaty against Bio Warfare / Bio Weapons development which was fully ratified and implemented in 1975. We find ourselves now decades later realizing we have all been duped and hoodwinked by the Deep State, that really runs this country. It turns out there was a giant loophole in Nixon's renunciation of Bio Weapons research. Namely, if you can claim that it is defensive research such as to develop a vaccine against a Bio Weapon, then it is ok to do that research. And so here we find ourselves in the Orwellian world of 2023 where Biological Warfare agents agents and technology such as Turbo Charged Corona Viruses, are developed and paid for by the United States government in Collaboration with the Chinese, under the guise of vaccine development. Instead of Calling it Bio weapons research, we solve the optics problem by calling it Gain Of Function research which sounds a lot more innocuous.
On top of that, our government's top officials lied about the whole mess and conducted a massive cover up as to where the COVID 19 pathogen originated. Now in damage control mode the evil bastards are trying to paint this as a "Lab Leak" or "Lab Accident". In other words those dumb Chinese do not know how to build a nice safe lab to do illegal research in, and the whole thing was just an "accident". We simply need to insist that this research be conducted more cautiously in the future.
If you are still stupid enough to believe anything that the US government has to say about this sordid affair, you might be interested in purchasing some Brooklyn Bridge Time Shares.
There can be little question at this point that all of the research that Turbo Charged the Corona Virus was illegal, criminal and resulted in a Crime against humanity, literally the whole of humanity. The evidence supports the conclusion that the virus was released deliberately in order to further the agenda of the World Economic Forum which represents the "Stakeholders". The Stakeholders are the people that own the rest of us. A more accurate description of Stakeholders would be Slave Holders or Slave Owners. They have detailed plans for recasting society and giving human behavior and civilization a makeover. If you don't like what they are doing, they don't really care. And there ain't much, if anything you can do about it short of prayer and possibly learning some tactics from Antifa. It is noteworthy though that Antifa is not an organic protest group. rather it is funded,directed,aided and abetted, by the Deep State Alphabet agencies like the CIA and the FBI.
As we are within the 30 days between Purim and Passover, it is an opportune time to implore God Almighty to take us out of the spiritual impurity that has engulfed mankind. As in the days of our enslavement in ancient Egypt, the physical slavery is really a manifestation of spiritual impurity. Through Repentance,Prayer, and Charity, we can push away the evil decrees that threaten mankind.