The Terrible Sin of Government Pushed Assisted Suicide
The Spherical Bastard Justin Trudeau, and his wicked government, have been pushing assisted suicide on their people. Of course they couch this murder of people in innocuous sounding terminology like "Death with Dignity" or Euthanasia. We wish to point out the seriousness in terms of sin and spiritual harm that is done to the soul when someone takes their own life. We are not talking about someone who is suffering from mental illness or is terrified of being tortured or harmed in some way and chooses suicide under extreme mental duress. Rather we are talking about the people who make this decision with lucidity of mind and take it upon themselves to end their lives on their terms because they do not wish to suffer any physical or emotional pain. This kind of suicide is deliberate, well thought out, planned in advance, with no aspect of suddenness or impulsivity that would imply poor executive function, and rash decision making.
The Rabbinic literature equates this type of suicide with the cardinal sin of murder. The one who kills himself is murdering himself. The act of murder is in and of itself a supreme act of evil and wickedness. So much so, that one is obligated to give up their own life to avoid murdering someone else. The sinfulness of murder by suicide is compounded by two aspects. One - it is a rebellion against God who is the giver and taker of life. Two - Death is considered the ultimate atonement for one's sins in this world. There are certain sins that no amount of repentance can sufficiently atone for until the time of death. However When one takes their death which should be an atonement, and instead turns it into a moment of sin, they now reawaken all of their past sins and make their spiritual status even worse. They are adding evil upon evil.
The wicked leaders of the world are pushing this evil agenda on the people. They try to dress it up and make it seem pleasant and dignified. A matter of choice, and mature honorable decision making. These leaders are atheists who do not believe in God or in the afterlife of the soul. The Rabbis taught that one moment of life in this world is greater than all the eternal bliss in the next world. For it is only in this world that one can grow,change, and improve. Even if one is bedridden,sick,infirm, and unconscious, as long as they are in this world there is an infinite value and sacredness to their life - every tiny microsecond of that life.
Woe is to us that we must bear witness to the evil that has sprouted in our days. May God Almighty bring a quick salvation to his nation and to all mankind.