The Naked Singularity - Emperor Klaus Schwab and WEF Wear No Clothes
In the theoretical physics of black holes, there is the postulated point at the center of a black hole, behind the event horizon, that is known as a "singularity" which means an infinitely small point of infinite density,and infinite curvature of Spacetime. The conventional consensus seems to posit that there really is no such thing as a physical singularity.Rather it is a word used to convey that our current mathematics and physics can not describe the reality at the center of a black hole, as the current, known, laws of physics that describe Spacetime, break down at the "singularity". There is also the theoretical possibility of a "naked" singularity, which means an exposed singularity that is not "hidden" by an event horizon.
In futurist and tech jargon, "The Singularity" has been borrowed from physics to describe the point in time where man, machine, and artificial intelligence, are melded together as one, and artificial intelligence grows so exponentially powerful that it surpasses human intelligence. Essentially at this point in "Spacetime" humans are feted to become obsolete and the new machine, AI intelligence, interface with biology, will expand exponentially, and independently, through the universe, In a God like manner, to infinity.
There are many interrelations between the notions,plans, and actualization's, of the Fourth Reich Industrial Revolution, The Great Reset, Transgenderism/Trans-humanism, Agenda 21, Agenda 30, Green agenda, and the "Singularity". In fact they are all one and the same superstructure of social engineering that is being imposed on humanity by the current power structure that is personified by groups like the private Jet Set World Economic Forum.
In trying to unravel this complex web of deliberately confusing, intertwined, agendas, one has to wonder if the predictions of the "Singularity" are really a smoke screen, to hide something monstrously nefarious. It would seem so.The underlying philosophical substructure for the Singularity agenda, is the goal of depopulation of the planet's human inhabitants, in order to preserve the "carrying capacity" of planet earth. Last week the planet reached the 8 Billion mark for human population which we are told is triple the number of people that were on earth 70 years ago and far too many people for purposes of "Sustainability". Why so much concern with shaping the future, if a super intelligent AI will have all the answers for us and enable humanity to solve all its problems?
Some people suspect that the good folks in DARPA and other secret US military intelligence complex, agencies, have already developed various super AIs and that the AI is telling them, CULL, CULL, CULL. Trans-humanism is by definition a form of culling. Nuclear war with Russia is another form of culling. Making energy and food UN-afordable for the useless eater masses, is another form of culling. Convincing people not to have children is another form of culling.
At the end of the day there is not really much of a difference between a human being going into a black hole singularity or a World Economic Forum singularity. Either way you end up dead. It is apparent that Herr Klaus Schwab and his W.E.F. co-conspirators are the physical embodiment of a "naked singularity". All you have to do is look at what they are doing, and listen to what they are saying. There is no event horizon covering up their malicious intent or their coordinated actions. Indeed said the child (probably not vaxxed) "The Emperor has no clothes, he is naked". Indeed echoed the townspeople, the child is correct.