Do the Satmar and Skver Rebbes realize they have endorsed Marijuana and Nuclear war along with Hochul???
It was reported that Witch Hochul secured the endorsements of the Satmar Aronim faction as well as that of the Skver Rebbe. Below is an invitation to a reception tonight at 6:00PM being held in Gracie Mansion to honor Drug Dealer Kingpin Hochul for her efforts to turn New York State into the greatest Stoner haven on earth. Will the honorable Satmar and Skver Rebbes be attending to flatter Witch Hochul ????Of course these Rebbes are not alone in their betrayal of the Jewish People and the Torah. We have a long list of self appointed spokes-mouths like David Greenfield, of the Met Council,and The Rappaports of the Masbiah Soup Kitchen conglomerate, who are also speaking on behalf of Witch Hochul and by extension the World Economic Forum agenda which includes drug use,transgenderism, and depopulation. Shame on them and shame on the parents who begat them.
The primary issue with this election though is that of War and Peace and Nuclear Holocaust. It is the Democrats along with the military industrial intelligence agency complex, that are leading the world to Nuclear obliteration. The entire Democrat establishment from Biden down to the local and state party officials are all in lockstep that Nuclear war is acceptable in order to defend the CIA installed leadership of Ukraine. Of all the immorality being pushed by Hochul, Adams, Cuomo, and the Biden Junta, the most immoral thing of all is promoting a Nuclear war. Actually it is beyond immoral, it is the ultimate war crime and crime against humanity and has earned all of these wicked Sodomites the death penalty. Unfortunately the trajectory that they have put the globe on, indicates that even if they get voted out of office, they will try to make sure to engage in a literal scorched earth policy, of torching the planet. God help us. We did not choose them or this. These wicked scoundrels are imposing their agenda on the inhabitants of the planet against the will of the people.