The New World Order versus the Jew World Order

While many people mistakenly conflate the New World Order with Jews and Judaism, the two are actually polar opposites. The Jew World Order is personified  by the daily prayer said thrice daily at the end of the prayers. It is the second half of the Aleinu prayer and is presented below in English. The Jewish aspiration is for mankind to reach spiritual perfection by recognizing and worshiping the Creator, Almighty G-d. The New World Order is rooted in Atheism and the complete denial of the Divine. The New World Order wishes to inventory every resource and living thing on planet Earth and thereby dominate and control it and its inhabitants. The ancient Jewish Sages taught that Blessing is only found in that which is hidden from the eye and not counted. If you trust and believe in an infinite G-D who created the Universe from nothing, than there is no need to worry about exceeding the carrying capacity of the planet. Just as G-D is infinite so to is G-D's Blessing infinite. Although some members of the New World Order Club can claim Jewish ancestry, they are really in the category of  apostates as they have forsaken the most basic element of faith which is the first of the thirteen principles - I believe with a complete faith that the Creator Blessed be his name, is the Creator and  Director of all beings, and that he alone did cause, continues to cause, and will cause in the future, all that occurs. When Chuck Schumer puts out a campaign ad  extolling abortion as a virtuous thing to help women with their financial independence, it affirms his membership in the club of apostates and criminals. He is not a representative of Jews or Judaism. A religious Jew should be embarrassed to be photographed with him, and Jewish Organizations should denounce him and distance themselves from him and from all politicians that promote the New World Order depopulation agenda. G-d said Be Fruitful and Multiply and these evil, wicked, Sodomites, say and push, the opposite. They are murderers and are plotting to commit Omnicide.  We do need a preemptive strike to take out the murderers in the Democrat party and the CIA before they unleash a nuclear catastrophe or another Bio Weapon attack on humanity.       

And therefore we hope to you, L-rd our G-d, that we may speedily behold the splendor of your might, o banish idolatry from the earth - and false gods will be utterly destroyed; to perfect the world under the sovereignty of the Almighty. All mankind shall invoke Your name, to turn to You all the wicked of the earth. Then all the inhabitants of the world will recognize and know that every knee should bend to You, every tongue should swear by Your Name. Before You, L-rd our G-d, they will bow and prostrate themselves and give honor to the glory of Your Name, and they will take upon themselves the yoke of Your kingdom. May You soon reign over them forever and ever,  for kingship is Yours, and to all eternity You will reign in glory, as it is written in Your Torah The L-rd will reign forever and ever. And it is said The L-rd shall be King over the entire earth; on that day the L-rd shall be One and His Name One.
