Every vote for a Democrat is a vote for Nuclear War
In the upcoming election you should vote like your life depends on it because it does. The Democrat party has transformed itself into a lunatic fascist organization in total team alignment with the World Economic Forum bandits. The Biden Junta together with the Pentagon and the CIA has brought the world to the brink of nuclear annihilation. The entire Democrat party supports this agenda all the way down to the state and local functionaries. A Nuclear war would achieve the stated strategic objective of the W.E.F. of reducing the global human population down to below 500 million people. These sick perverts have many tricks up their sleeves. If the Nuclear war option does not pan out they can always unleash a truly deadly bio weapon as we see they have already created one in Boston. Therefore although the Republicans are for the most part, just as corrupt as the Democrats, they are the only option to try and thwart this madness. If you vote for the Democrats you are voting for War and specifically for Nuclear War. If you are foolish enough to think you will survive a nuclear war because you got your Covid shot and still wear a mask, than quite frankly, you deserve to die in a nuclear war. Perhaps if we sent all the people still wearing masks to the Covid detention camps the Democrats have built for the Anti Vaxxers and Anti Maskers, we could save humanity from a nuclear catastrophe.