Judge BELLIS, Mendel BEILLIS, and the Blood Libel against Alex Jones
Seeing the name of the Judge Barbara Bellis in the Alex Jones Show trial, invoked reflection on the Mendel Beilis Blood Libel trial of 1913. First what is a blood libel? A blood libel is the utterly ridiculous and disgustingly false accusation, that Jews murder Christian or Muslim children in order to extract their blood for use in baking Passover Matzah. This False Libel was used historically by those in power to inflame the masses in order to murder,rape,and pillage the Jews.
I don't wish to engage in apologetics, but anyone who has ever spent 5 minutes in a Matzah bakery would know how utterly absurd this lie is. Anyone who would spend five minutes and read the five books of Moses and see the explicit prohibitions of eating blood, would know how insane and deceitful this wicked accusation is. Nevertheless, to this day people still falsely believe in the Blood LIBEL. It appears there are still some Christians and Muslims who are still angry that those pesky,stiff-necked, Jews did not accept their saviors, and still feel that God would not break his promise to Abraham and Moses after all these years. What a revolutionary concept, God does not break his promises. Who woulda thunk?
Mendel Beilis was put on trial in Czarist Russia, ironically in Kiev, in 1913, and falsely accused of murdering a Christian child in 1911 in order to obtain his blood for Passover Matzah. As everyone should know, the Russian Czar was not a friend of the Jews,especially the religious Jews. Surprisingly, Beilis was acquitted by the jury. However the trial accomplished its purpose in that it was used to paint the Jews in a primitive light and promote the notion that Jews might actually do something like this and so therefore it was ok to discriminate against the Jews,persecute them, and commit Pogroms against them. The goal of the trial was not the prosecution of Mendel Beilis, but rather the demonization of the Jews.
Flash forward to the year 2022 of the Covid era. We now have Judge Bellis conducting a demonization trial against Alex Jones, a blood libel if you will. It is not about Alex Jones or infowars though. It is about demonizing anyone who is not friends of the ruling Federal Junta and their Worldwide Great Reset Green New Deal Kleptocracy. The so called progressives have become intolerant Fascists. Once they are done disposing of Alex Jones, they will go full force after anyone who dares stand in their way,whether they be MAGAites, Chassidim, Evangelical Christians, or Atheists who subscribe to Evolutionary Biology and understand that gender is biological, not psychological.
The Day of Judgment for all mankind is coming. We should all be praying, all on that day.