O Polio, Polio, wherefore art thou Polio?

Below the Shakespearean poem is a link to a 2008 paper from the journal Nature. If you read that article you will begin to understand why the Polio vaccination paradigm has put humanity at great risk. Prior to the vaccination program, most people acquired immunity to Polio naturally, and asymptomatically. I do not mean to dismiss, or minimize the devastating illness incurred by those who suffered permanent paralysis or death. However the focus of the medical establishment on prevention via a risky vaccination program, to the exclusion of treatment and to the exclusion of understanding why a tiny fraction of people developed severe illness is an issue that must be confronted.

As you can see from the Nature article there are an unknown number of people in the world, who despite having been vaccinated for Polio, continue to shed dangerous strains of Polio in their stools for many decades without it making themselves sick, but creating a potential everlasting sewage bio-hazard. The author makes the assumption that this is a rare phenomenon and is not cause for concern. The article makes the case that we can never discontinue Polio vaccination because due to all the mutant vaccine derived strains that are circulating, this disease can never be eradicated. The author also points out how easy it would be to simply concoct a Polio virus in a laboratory even if it were to be eradicated, and so due to bio terror concerns we are stuck with the vaccine forever.

What the author does not discuss is the possibility that some evil bastard like Tony Fauci, could pay another evil bastard, like Peter Daszac from ECO HEALTH, to engineer the Polio virus to evade vaccine immunity especially for those who only received the IVP and did not get the robust immune response provided by OVP or naturally acquired immunity. In fact, it has long been rumored that the Soviets did just that with the smallpox virus. Rest assured if the Soviets did it, so did the good folks at Fort Detrick. You think they were only playing around with Anthrax? And does anyone think the Godless Chinese would have any moral compunctions about creating deadly bio-weapons? 

It is unlikely that Salk or Sabin had any of this in mind when they were doing their work. However as we have noted elsewhere Salk was a critic of the Sabin vaccine specifically because of the concerns expressed in this article. Salk stated that it was known since 1961 that Vaccine Acquired Paralytic Polio -VAPP,  was a problem with OPV. There is plenty of guilt to go around though, as Salk's vaccine also caused VAPP during the Cutter incident which was attributed to faulty quality control in the manufacturing process.The question remains,why is OPV still being used anywhere in the world? It has proven to have caused more harm than good. Now, thanks to the machinations of the pharmaceutical industry and 1986 vaccine injury compensation act, good luck getting compensated if you develop paralysis or death from a vaccine derived strain of Polio or an auto immune reaction from another vaccine. Instead you will be diagnosed with Acute Flaccid Myelitis or Transverse Myelitis and you will be told it has nothing to do with any vaccine.

Other questions are, why was research into Polio treatment abandoned and suppressed? Dr Fredrick Klenner demonstrated in a 1949 paper in the New England Journal of Medicine that early treatment of Polio with intravenous and Intramuscular high dose injections of Vitamin C was curative and could prevent and reverse paralysis and Bulbar Polio if given early enough.Why was the public not informed of the risks of a worldwide all out vaccination program? What assurance do we have in light of the SV40 contamination of the Polio vaccines that the current Polio vaccines are 100 percent safe with no short term or long term adverse effects or negative effects on life expectancy.

Finally the point must be made that just like with all other vaccines, there have never been any long term studies comparing all health outcomes and all cause mortality, between a Polio vaccinated group versus a Polio unvaccinated control group. You could make the argument that the risk of possible paralysis and death overrides any other concerns. However that is an unscientific assumption which calls to mind the Confucian saying: Never assume or you make an a - - out of u and me. At the end of the day, the scientific method demands empirical proof. Not guessing, not assuming, not modelling,not algorithiming,not Halachically analyzing. You have to perform the experiment and you have to do it with integrity and honesty, or you are talking out of your backside.   

O Polio, Polio, wherefore art thou Polio?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name.
Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my Wild Strain
And I’ll no longer be a Transverse Myelitis
‘Tis but thy name that is my enemy:
Thou art thyself, though not a Vaccine Derived Strain.
What’s Vaccine Derived Strain? It is nor iVDPV nor aVDPV
Nor cVDPV nor Coxackie recombinant nor any other part
Belonging to a Strains 1,2,and 3. O be some other name.
What’s in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;
So Polio would, were he not Polio call’d,
Retain that dear perfection which he owes
Without that title. Polio, doff thy name, and call yourself Acute Flaccid Myelitis
And for that name, which is no part of thee,
Take all myself for the sake of the CDC.


