Jonas Salk the original Anti Vaxxer???

Below is a video of Jonas Salk from about 45 years ago discussing why the Sabin Live Virus Polio Vaccines are a bad idea because they cause Polio. One could accuse of him of being guilty of self promotion since the inactivated or killed version of Polio vaccines was his invention. However he never secured a patent on his invention and did not profit from it. Presumably by today's standards, Jonas Salk would be cancelled for being an Anti Vaxxer. After all, how dare he present "misinformation" about the United States Government vaccine policy and lead people to the misinformed conclusion that the Live Polio Vaccine causes Polio. That is just plain wrong think. The most egregious comment he makes is when he refers to the Live Polio Vaccine promoters as "Dogmatists". Salk is clearly skilled in the use of micro aggression that unfairly triggers sensitive vaccine injury denialists.

All sarcasm aside, the US finally came to the conclusion that Salk was correct and stopped using the OPV - Live Oral Polio Virus Vaccine and instead only uses the inactivated or "killed" version nowadays. Of course we don't mind if the cheaper, easier, OPV is used by Bill Gates in countries like India, because, Klauss Schwab wants to cull and reduce the Indian population anyway. Whats a few dead and paralyzed Indian children when compared to the "greater good" of population reduction?

There is much that could be written about the mostly unknown history of the Polio vaccines. For instance the fact that many of them, both OPV and IPV were contaminated with the SV40 Oncovirus up until the early 2000s. Supposedly that little cancer causing problem has now been removed from the vaccines.It's too bad that hundreds of millions of people now have the SV40 virus permanently inserted into their Genomes, for all generations to come. 

This is pertinent now, because once again, Rectal Sphincters, like Yossi Gestetner, are apologizing for all Orthodox Jews, because one Orthodox Jew contracted vaccine strain Polio. Instead of apologizing, how about asking a simple question. Why on earth, is any country on earth, still using, OPV? Watch the video.Salk says that everyone knew in 1961 that OPV was causing Polio. That was 63 years ago. If the Public Health Mafia really wanted to eradicate Polio it would have followed Salk's advice, and the science from back then. Perhaps instead of spending 100s of Billions of dollars on propping up a CIA implanted dictator in Ukraine, we should have funded IPV all around the world.  

