Homeland Sercurity says Mifepristone yes!!! but HCQ and Ivermectin no!!!!

The Department of Homeland Security will make sure to preserve the right to murder unborn children as part of their protection of American "liberties". They will make sure women can end their pregnancies with the abortion drug Mifepristone.They have and will prevent Americans from getting effective treatments against Covid such as HCQ and Ivermectin. It is time to rename the DHS, and call it the Department of Depopulation - the DoD, now where have I heard that acronym before?  Ah yes the Department of Defense which has the job of killing people as well. This is what is known as a "whole of government approach" to solving a problem. By harnessing all levels of government to tackle the fundamental, underlying, conundrum, of too many carbon based life forms , including people, the outputs of  bureaucratic inputs are more likely to be successful.

The WOG approach was designed to overcome the checks and balances that would normally put a leash on the Great Bureaucracy. In order to have a Great Reset it is necessary to harness the Great Bureaucracy to work in a "collective" manner toward achieving the Great Goals of the 4th industrial revolution.

An important branding aspect in promoting Great Change is the Rainbow flag. The Rainbow flag has become the symbol of the Sodomite,Transvestite, Pedophile, movement also known as the LGBTQ terrorists.They are murderers and terrorists and are an integral part of the depopulation program. By channeling young people to non reproductive relationships, the population is further reduced.Also it is a worse sin to cause someone else to sin than it is to murder them. This is why the military and the state department have embraced the Rainbow flag.

Of course students of the Bible will know from the story of Noah, that the Rainbow is an ominous sign. It is meant to be a reminder that although mankind is deserving of annihilation for its grave sins, God has promised that The Great Flood will not be repeated, at least not by God. The Bible however does not give an assurance that mankind in it's folly will not destroy itself. In fact the Rabbis in the Midrash state that when God Created Adam, he  took him and showed him all the beautiful trees, plants, and creatures of creation. God spoke to Adam and said look how beautiful my creation is and all of it was for you. Be careful that you don't destroy it.

Rabbi Luzzato in Mesilat Yesharim  explains this Midrash in the spiritual sense. That is to say, when man corrupts himself spiritually he corrupts the entire world with him, even the plants and the trees. Indeed, the contemporary spiritual decline has been paralleled by  the corruption of science, and the pollution of the environment with a long list of toxicants. Rather than dealing with these issues and fixing the real problems, our leaders have misdirected us to view ourselves as the problem, since after all, we are made of carbon. The Great Carbon Hoax is a prerequisite for the Great Reset.

The thieves, murderers, and perverts, of the Great Reset can be defeated. Humanity must repent from sin and return to God. As Rabbi Luzzato says, when one man elevates himself spiritually, he elevates the entire world with him. Each and every one of us can make a huge difference on a "non collective", individual level. Repentance,Prayer, and Charity, remove the evil decree. We are the problem and the solution, but it is not about Carbon. It is about our relationship with God Almighty.     



