Mordy Getz Hosts the Wicked Witch of the North Kathy Hochul

Today June 20 2022 (Junteenth), Mordy Getz the owner of Eichlers of Borough Park hosted the un-elected fascist governor of New York State, Fuhrerin Kathy Hochul. They were joined by a coterie of fat cats and machers who claim to represent the Orthodox Jewish Community of New York City. Some of us however will not forget the betrayal of the Orthodox Community by Mr Getz during the Covid Tyranny when Herr Cuomo and Herr Deblasio were still in power. Below is a quote of Mr. Getz from the toilet paper of record the New York Times from back in March 2020. Hochul is not an innocent bystander. She has continued the Covid tyranny and has helped push the New World Order Great Reset agenda in New York State.  As crime skyrockets in Brooklyn and the rest of the city does she take action against the criminals? No. But she is busy promoting the murder of unborn children and promoting the Drag Queen agenda along with Mayor Pervert Adams.

So dear reader do you think these Chassidic dressed  community activists really represent the Chassidic community? They don't . In an earlier era they would  likely be excommunicated and classified as Mosrim, Rodfim, and Reform Jews, - the opposite of Chassidic Jews. Of course one has to wonder if Mr. Getz allegiance and loyalty to the "medical authorities" and "government" has anything to do with his urgent care business. 

From the New York Times March 17 2020 

Defying Virus Rules, Large Hasidic Jewish Weddings Held in Brooklyn

 Mr. Getz said the weddings were influenced by the teachings of “extremist leaders” and did not represent the Hasidic community in New York. He pointed to the work done by Jewish volunteer and nonprofit organizations to educate people about the new restrictions on gatherings, and called the persistence of large weddings “very painful.”

“There has been a total disrespect to everything medical authorities and the government have been telling us to do,” Mr. Getz said. “It is total defiance.”
