Operation Mockingbird
Below are two links to government websites with documentation from the US government about the Church Committee hearings of the 1970s including one of the final reports. You can read it yourself and you may even still be able to watch some of the Church Committee hearings on You tube if they have not been censored yet. One of the things that came out of those hearings was the exposure of Operation Mockingbird. This was a CIA covert operation that included shaping and manipulation of American public opinion AKA psychological warfare. This was accomplished by infiltrating media companies worldwide and planting stories that met the objectives of the CIA. The CIA position was that this was legal because they planted the stories overseas, even though they knew full well their manipulating information would make its way back to American media and influence the American public.
Much of our present day false reality, that is portrayed by mainstream media including small local ethnic media outlets like the Orthodox Jewish newspapers and websites, can be traced to this program which is obviously still very much in existence. No doubt the CIA and other portions of the military intelligence complex have upgraded their skills to include electronic media. When you see overt censorship being displayed in the media such as with the Australian show below, you can understand that the powers that be are now openly rubbing the dirt in our faces. They are not even trying to pretend anymore that there ought to be respect for the sanctity of free speech and free expression. The sanctity of free speech ultimately derives from the sanctity of human life which derives from the fact that human life was created by the Holy one blessed be He. The war on free speech is an integral part of the Amalakite war on God. Defending free speech and the sanctity of life is therefore part of our obligation to fight Amalek.
Perhaps a novel interpretation of the Torah commandment of wiping out Amalek could be described by the title of a now banned book: "To kill a Mockingbird". We must wipe out the ideology of Amalek, and kill the Mockingbird that would strip us of our humanity, and that seeks to deny God and his creation. It is not "my body my choice". Our physical bodies are on loan to us from God and belong to him and no one else. When these out of control government agencies come for your body, they are really coming for your soul.
Ultimately, in order to conquer Amalek, we must strengthen our spiritual allegiance to God Almighty. We can not allow ourselves to become weary,weak, and fearful, in our dedication,devotion, and service to God. May it be the will of God, that as in the days of Mordechai and Esther the world merited a salvation from the Amalakite mafia of Haman, so to may we be delivered from the present day Amalakite Mafia that seeks to destroy not only the Jewish people but the entire humanity. V'nahaphoch HU!!!!