One More Parade
Below is a clip from a 1964 recording of "One More Parade" a song composed by Phil Ochs and Bob Gibson. It is an antiwar song. It is ironic that once upon a time there were liberals on the left that composed beautiful musical protest songs against war. Here is a quote from Bob Gibson referring to that era: "Back then when we thought that if we wrote a good enough song we could change some peoples minds about something.That's all we had to do if we could just write a good enough song they'd understand. It was naive maybe,but it sure was sincerely naive"
Now we have a complete inversion, with the lunatics on the left not only calling for war with Russia but willing and eager to have a nuclear conflagration. Of course, sick perverts like Adam Schiff, and Trudeau the Terrible won't send their own children to "die on a foreign shore". They will happily send other peoples children to die though.
It should not be a complete surprise. The war criminals who belong to the World Economic Forum Mafia, already have gotten away with unleashing the Covid Bio Terror on the world. No one has been held accountable. Not Fauci, Trudau,Gates, or any of the people who constructed the Covid bio weapon virus. In addition, we now have the infrastructure in place for world wide bio metric tracking, tracing, and electronic control of the entire global human population. The evil social engineers can now ease off the pressure valve a little and let the huddled masses breath a little bit for a little while. They do not mind a nuclear war that will kill 4/5ths of the world population - that is their goal whether through nukes or through other means.
Let us remember the first command given by God to Mankind and the animal kingdom. Be fruitful and multiply. Let us reflect on the concept that God did not create the world to be a desolate, barren,dystopia, but to be inhabited by a vibrant civilization that attests to the glory of the almighty. Those who would push war, are the same monsters who are pushing a war against God.