Curing Polio with High Dose Vitamin C Intravenous and intramuscular injections

Below is a a link to an article published by Andrew Saul about Dr Fredrick Klenner and his vitamin C treatment protocol for Polio. I am linking to it here because there is an item in the news about a young child in Jerusalem, Israel who has come down with a "mutant" strain of Paralytic Polio. Naturally the public health criminals in Israel are using this incident to stoke panic and fear in the public in order to increase the rate of Polio Vaccination.

Doubtless, mainstream medical establishmentarians will guffaw at the notion that the dreaded Polio can be successfully treated with the L ascorbate molecule.  So rather than trying to argue the point I post the link here about this rather unknown historical peculiarity and hopefully some of the idiot doctors in Israel will be made aware of it.

We have seen this with Covid where highly effective treatments like HCQ, Ivermectin, Budesonide and so on were suppressed by the powers that be. If you read the article you will see that Dr Klenner treated a variety of viral infections with L Ascorbate. Dr Paul Marik was also using Intravenous vitamin C to treat sepsis in a protocol that combines the C with Thiamine and Cortecosteroids. Of course because Dr Marik was using Ivermectin to treat Covid Patients, the establishment finally had the excuse they needed to get rid of this pesky, great, scientist and expert on intensive care.

Please note, that oral doses of L Ascorbate although helpful, will not be enough to achieve the results recorded by Dr . Klenner. You have to follow his protocol of early intervention and high dose injected administration, with the requisite grams per kilo of body weight. 




Candy said…
Klenner and Linus Pauling were right with their vitamin work. However, everyone should keep the following in mind, especially now with the Covid Scamdemic going on:

... there are many bogus voices around who strive to distract the public from the value of vitamin C therapy and the fact that Pauling's VALID work with vitamin C supplementation has been "falsified" by data distortions and lies, and he as a person (a double Nobel laureate) has been slandered as some deluded idiot by the criminal medical establishment and its countless quackwatch shills, lackeys, ignoramuses, and trolls for decades and it continues today, and

... that the same corrupt criminal people (and their uninformed followers) are behind the organized suppression, lies, and half-truths spread about the value of vitamin C therapy against covid-19 --- study

But you can't discredit the facts with lies. That only exposes and discredits the liars (see link above).