"There's no Business like Shoah Business" The Demonization of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. by the Holocaust Denial Industry

The quote "There is no business like Shoah Business" is a quip attributed  to Abba Eben that he reportedly made in a derisive reference about Elie Wiesel. Abba Eban of course was a loyal public servant and statesman on behalf of the State of Israel. Elie Wiesel was a famous Holocaust survivor who did indeed make some good coin, chronicling his very real and tragic experiences.Late in his life Wiesel was swindled out of his life savings by arch crook Bernie Madoff.Wiesel deserved every penny he made. His money was  made honestly and he performed a remarkable public service by simply publishing his amazing books which were clearly a warning to humanity to never again allow the rise of a fascist, industrialized, tyrannical, evil, the likes of which he experienced first hand with all it's brutality. By the way, Wiesel and Eben both attended the same upper East Side ORTHODOX Jewish Synagogue and Wiesel was a regular weekly Sabbath service attendee.

That said, there is indeed no business like Shoah Business when it comes to the Shoah being used to raise Gazzillions of dollars for museums like the Auschwitz museum, and for using the Holocaust as a cudgel to promote the progressive fascist agenda, and silence your ideological opponents as Johnathan Greenblatt and the ADL do.

In a curious inversion, the ADL ,Greenblatt and the Auschwitz museum have transformed themselves into Holocaust denialists. By demonizing Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for drawing a parallel between the incrementalist totalitarianism of Hitler and the Nazis, and the current strategically planned,gradualism with it's step by step descent into the dystopian "Great Reset", Greenblatt and his cronies are not only failing to learn the lessons of history, but denying it.

Kennedy actually understated the danger that humanity is in. Our present situation if not stopped will lead to a situation far worse than the Holocaust. He was quite correct that unlike in 1930s Germany or even 1940s Eastern Europe, where it was possible to escape or hide and wait the war out, the current overlay of bio-metric surveillance technology,with A.I.computing, and the the meshing of this tech with fascist world wide rule, will make it impossible to escape,hide,or overthrow, the new thousand year 4th Reich. There is already no where to run and no where to hide even in Florida and Texas. 

This time instead of just targeting the Jews,Gypsies,Communists, developmentally delayed, and various other undesirables, our fascist overlords are targeting the entire human population of the planet. Of course as we have written about here on this blog, they started with the Jews as a practice run with the persecution of a tiny minority of Orthodox Jewish Anti Vaxxers during the fake Measles outbreak in 2018. The powers that be demonstrated that they could get the organized Jewish Community to turn against itself and offer up the few dozen Orthodox Jewish Anti Vaxxer families with vaccine injured children, as a scapegoat.

Their religious freedom was taken away and they were barred from school,synagogue, and even the ritual bath in Orthodox Jewish communities all across the US. Not because any of them were sick with Measles, but because their child was not vaccinated against measles. This was done irrespective of whether the child was in a community,neighborhood,or school, with a case of measles. The government simply said if you are Jewish and go to a Yeshiva and you are not vaccinated, you may no longer attend and your religious,medical,or scientific, beliefs be damned. Amazingly nearly the entire Orthodox Jewish Rabbinic and lay leadership went along with this government persecution. 

Synagogues around the country threw families out and essentially excommunicated them from communal life. Once the government perfected this template of subverting moral and ethical norms in a highly affluent and politically organized religious community, there was nothing to stop them from doing the same with the Covid tyranny to everyone.So the "trusted" government officials and the "trusted" news networks were able to shut down churches and synagogues all around the country with the willing cooperation of Priests,Rabbis,and community organizers.

Anyone who knows the history of the Nazis and the Holocaust can see as plain as day the parallels to our contemporary times. Yet, the Social media echo chamber, including it's brainwashed Jewish denizens, has been quick to hop on Greenblatt's bandwagon in the orchestrated demonization campaign directed against Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 

So let me repeat,stress, and warn: We are now all in a strategically planned, fascist, takeover of humanity,by a collaborative international consortium of transnational corporations,government leaders, intelligence agencies,public health departments, and the military. It is a step by step incremental hijacking, in which one by one every single human right,freedom,and liberty, is being stripped from us permanently. The New World Order that  these people have planned is a world without GOD,Ethics,Morality, and Individuality. It is not a world of messianic, and utopian, perfection, but rather a permanent dystopian nightmare that will be impossible to overthrow without an open miracle from GOD. We are not permitted to sit back and rely on open miracles from GOD that defy the laws of nature, that GOD created.

Do not be fooled when liars like Boris Johnson start relaxing some rules and pretend the worst is behind us. That is part of the plan and this technique is being used to deceive you into complacency. We must learn precisely from the history of the Holocaust as to the methodology used by lying despots. The world blames Hitler for the Holocaust,but they should really blame Chamberlain who handed over the Sudetenland in exchange for "peace in our time". Instead of confronting and standing up to Hitler, he sent Czechoslovakia to its doom for a worthless paper promise.

In our day and age we had Cuomo lying with it's just "two weeks to flatten the curve", "It's just a mask", It's just "religious services on Zoom instead of in Church or Synagogue" because we are "NEW  YORK TOUGH". "C'mon man get your shot", "Maintain 6 feet". "Show me your papers or your QR CODE if you want to buy a coffee". "No Maskee NO AIRPLANEE"" No Vaccine PASSPORT, NO JOB or SCHOOL". Now you have no money, no freedom of movement, and you better shut up and not criticize the pervert, abusers, in the government who did this to you. How many times have we heard the phrase "I don't care about your damn freedom or your religion"?

The irony of the similarity between the message of Robert F Kennedy Jr. and the way he is being maligned,denigrated,and mocked, to the character of Moshe the Beadle in the book "Night", written by Elie Wiesel, is indeed frightening. They beat up Moshe the Beadle as well. Here is a link to a post about Moshe the Beadle that was written in May of 2019, B.C.E. - Before the COVID ERA.     https://www.blogger.com/u/1/blog/post/edit/7956097263092707216/4510231507630464793?hl=en  




