The Nazis are coming and the sky is falling
A video from Florida is making it's way around the social media echo chamber. In the video we see about 1 dozen middle aged,obese, beer bellied, loser's, waving swastikas, doing both the Hitler salute and some kind of white power salute that is reminiscent of an imperial salute from an old 1960s Star Trek episode. This we are being told with great hysteria, shows that "HATE" is out of control. "Why don't the cops stop this offensive behavior".
The video and others like it are being used for two false narratives.
1. There is an attempt to equate the Anti Vaccine, Anti Covid Tyrrany, and Anti Biden movements, with Nazism and Anti Semitism, in order to de-legitimize the movements.
2. There is an attempt to create the false perception that there is rampant out of control Antisemitism in the US.
As we have mentioned here before, the most significant threat to Jews in America is not Antisemitism expressed by lunatics, and beer guzzlers. Rather it is the attack on freedom of speech and thought, by the psychotic lunatics occupying the body politic who control the reigns of power.
In all likelihood, the assorted schlemiel groups of swastika wavers are probably funded and coordinated as agent provocateurs by the same people who are funding and orchestrating Antifa, and BLM. By getting hysterical over a group of washed up old clowns and overreacting by screaming "the sky is falling", you show how weak you are. By calling for censorship, you are demonstrating that you are the real danger to freedom and liberty.
Do not play into the hands of the Biden government and the main stream legacy media, that wishes to portray dissent as Domestic Terrorism. The First amendment is what allows everything else including wearing a Yarmulke in public,going to synagogue, and protesting the tyrannical anti religious laws put in place by Cuomo, and kept in place by Fuhrerin Frau Hochul.
Look in the mirror. Who kicked Jews out Synagogues and Yeshivas???? Was it Swastika waving Nazis??? Or was it Left Wing Progressive Medical Fascists and the Rabbis who went along with them. Who promoted hate against Jews that dared commit the crime of going to pray in a synagogue,reject the useless ritual face covering mask, and reject the poison death shots? YOU, HAVE THE CHUTZPAH, TO CALL OUT HATE????????? YOU PHONY HYPOCRITES WHAT YOU ARE!!!!!!!!
P.S. Here is the you tube link link to the Star Trek episode clip where you can see the Hybrid Nazi Salute that Loser Eddie McBride is trying to imitate. If you are afraid of a loser Trekkie/Nazi Wannabee you are also a loser.
Here is the you tube link link to the Star Trek episode clip.
Apparently the guy in the Orlando Nazi video who is trying to channel Captain Kirk and Mr Spock,is a guy by the name of Eddie McBride. His girlfriend who just gives a plain vanilla sieg heil salute is apparently named Jamie Larson. What a bunch of losers both the ones imitating Star Trek, and the ones getting hysterical from a bunch of losers. Note to Nazi wannabees, if you want to imitate the Nazis you will have to do a better job than that. First step, get some good old German discipline and lose the Beer Bellies.That means you Burt Collucci, and Nick Martin,who are apparently pictured in all their fat glory as well. Keep eating and drinking like that and you will end up looking like Himmler. I have to admit I found the white Power Star Trek salute entertaining. Where is a real Nazi when you need them. Oh that's right, she is in Albany, imposing new Draconian regulations on the citizenry while the Bourgeoisie take midwinter break in Orlando and pick fights with Agent Provocateurs.