The Indictment Of Big Tony Fauci And The Worldwide Fascist Corporatocracy Criminal Network
If you have not read the masterpiece book, "The Real Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates Big Pharma, and the Global war on Democracy and Public Health" written by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., You need to.
The book reads like a criminal indictment of the conspirators who have hijacked the planet, and decimated our fundamental God Given Human rights all in the name of the "War on Covid". We have all been deceived and misled for a long long time when it comes to the machinations of the intelligence agencies and the gigantic transnational corporations, that have been working an a very evil and wicked agenda. The agenda is Global depopulation. This agenda is only made possible by the denial of God and the divine soul in each human being. As Maimonides phrases it - "KOFER B'IKAR" - Someone who rejects the main principle of the existence of God. Once you deny this principle, every path to evil is open to you including the most abominable,depraved,perverted, disgusting, acts of violence against your fellow man.
Denial of God also includes the denial of Blessing from God. Blessing includes the notion that an infinite God can bless the finite physical in an infinite manner. The atheist gangsters running the current coup, believe that the planet's resources are finite and that the only way to preserve a future for humanity is to ration the resources and significantly reduce the human population. This notion of there not being enough for everyone, has its roots in various biblical narratives such as Cain and Abel. Cain killed Abel to take out the competition. John D. Rockefeller echoed this sentiment with the statement "Competition is a sin". Now we have the bastard grandchild spiritual heir of John D. Rockefeller, Bill Gates, running and managing a planetary depopulation effort with a vast criminal network in alliance.
The depopulation agenda explains many of the social inversions that have been forcibly imposed on society in recent decades. The destruction of the the family,the promotion of Homosexuality and Transgenderism, The infliction of mass neurological damage on children resulting in a meteoric and exponential rise in Autism, ADHD, and Psychiatric disorders, The promotion of polyamory, the promotion of pornography, the sexualization of children,the government funding of planned parenthood and the promotion of abortion, the move to have government dictate how parents should raise their children, the increasing financial costs to having children,the list goes on and on. All of these things have been strategized and planned with military precision and have one underlying goal in mind - the reduction of the birth rate and the world population.
Anyone who gets in the way of this agenda is viciously and ruthlessly taken out in true gangster style fashion. The most overt example of a gangster run government that comes to mind is the third Reich led by the Nazis. Looking back we can see that the Socialist Fascists of Germany were essentially 20th century counterparts of the 21st century Social Justice Warrior Socialist Fascists that plague our current society.The question is how to fight a war against gangsters when the government is run by gangsters and they are the ones trying to take you out. Part of the answer must be an unswerving and unwavering commitment to God and the notion that we have Freedom and Liberty bestowed by GOD and not by the government. If the Government has shirked its duty to protect our God Given Rights, the government has forfeited its legitimacy and must be removed and replaced. Let us pray that this can take place peacefully and non violently.
Here's the answer, here's what that ULTIMATELY means...
It means that a network of manipulating PSYCHOPATHS are governing big businesses (eg official medicine), nations and the world (the evidence is irrefutable) and that, therefore, the Covid Scamdemic is a VERY DESTRUCTIVE WAR AGAINST NON-RULING PEOPLE EVERYWHERE --- you and I (see ).
But that's only ONE part of the equation that makes up the destructive human condition as the article explains...
If your employer (even educational or federal employers) wants you to take a Covid vaccine give him/her one of these form letters of exemption found at
"2 weeks to flatten the curve has turned into...3 shots to feed your family!" --- Unknown