Der Fuhrerin Hochul, Agudath Israel, a Tale of Two States, and Watcha Gonna Do When They Come For You
Below is a link from Teachers for Choice. Below that link is a copy paste from Yeruchim Silber a representative and employee of Agudath Israel. Below that is a copy paste of the article from Teachers for Choice. As you can see there are two divergent opinions as to how to relate to the unelected Governor/dictator of New York State. Is she a female Fuherer or Fuhrerin to be precise? Or is she a wonderful champion of human rights to be obsequiously fawned over with copious amounts of posterior kissing. More importantly,where do the loyalties of "non profit" organizations like Agudath Israel lie? With Der Fuherin? Or with the the common man and the oppressed underdog??? Do you think that evil dictators like Frau Hochul will hesitate to come after you should they find it expedient? When they do come for you big shots,"Watcha Gonna Do When They Come For You?????? Its time to stamp out and extinguish the new Gestapo and their willing Kappos, before its too late. A first step is to stop the flattery of the wicked and instead step up and rebuke them for their evil machinations. You must verbally and publicly renounce your alliance with the new progressive fascism.
Fuhererin Hochul wants to Imprison any person who is a "Public Health Threat"
Unelected New York Governor Kathy Hochul is attempting to bypass the New York legislature and the most basic democratic processes by creating regulations that give her permanent dictatorial powers. She has written regulations that will allow her to arrest and imprison suspected public health threats, give her the power to impose at will mandatory masks, and expand the number of healthcare workers who must get the Covid injections.
Regulations are supposed to be minor rules devised by the bureaucracies to implement a law passed by the legislature and signed by Governor. But Hochul is attempting to give herself entirely new powers through the regulatory back door. Cuomo used to do this all the time. If he could not get a bill he wanted passed in the legislature he would simply write regulations that did the same thing, and our feckless legislature rarely did anything to stop him or to protect their responsibilities as lawmakers.
Hochul wants the following:
Seizure and imprisonment of suspected public health risks,
Hochul is now attempting to give herself the power to detain and imprison anybody without trial who she declares to be a possible public health risk. We all know about Assembly bill A416, the public health gulag bill, which would have allowed the Governor to imprison without trial anyone she declares to be a public health risk. It sat in the assembly for six years and never went anywhere until it was finally withdrawn by the sponsor. So now Hochul will just give herself that power through a regulation. Nothing in the regulation stops her from declaring anyone who has not had the shot as a public health risk and vulnerable to arrest and imprisonment.
Read the proposed regulation here:
Permanent authority to order masks,
Hochul also wants the authority to require masks in all public places without having to declare a public health emergency. The proposed regulation includes language that would allow distinguishing “between individuals who are vaccinated against COVID-19 and those that are not vaccinated.” This language would allow mandating only un-vaccinated people to wear masks as a means of punishing dissent and dissenters. We know that the shots do not prevent transmission of Covid, we know that the vast majority of masks in use do not prevent the transmission of Covid. And, of course, it pretends that natural immunity in recovered people does not exist.
Read the proposed regulation here:
Expanding workers required to get Covid shots,
Workers required to get Covid shots will expand to include but not limited to employees at general hospitals, nursing homes, and diagnostic and treatment centers, certified home health agencies, long term home health care programs, acquired immune deficiency syndrome home care programs, licensed home care service agencies, limited licensed home care service agencies, hospices, and adult care facility. Religious exemptions will not be allowed. Employers will need to maintain records and make them available to the NYSDOH.
Read the proposed regulations here:
Today please get on the phone and call the Governor and let her know that you are opposed to these proposed regulations and her effort to bypass our elected representative and us by sneaking this through as a regulation.
Governor Kathy Hochul (518) 474-8390, (212) 681-4580, Hochul only takes voice mail. Call anyway.
Fax (518) 474-1513
Email at
Twitter: @GovKathyHochul
And call the leaders of the legislature and ask them if they support the Governor completing bypassing the legislative process:
Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins
Albany: Telephone (518) 455-2585, (518) 455-2715
Albany: Fax (518) 426-6844, (518) 426-6811
District: Telephone (914) 423-4031, Fax (914) 423-0979,
New York City: Telephone (212) 298-5585, Fax (212) 298-5623
Twitter: @AndreaSCousins
Speaker of the Assembly Carl Heastie
Albany: (518) 455-3791, District: (718) 654-6539
Twitter: @carlheastie
- The New York State Department of Health allowed people with active cases of Covid to be placed in nursing homes resulting in the death of more than 16,000 nursing homes residents.
- The NYSDOH then lied about the number of nursing home residents who died until forced to come clean by an investigation by the Attorney General
- The NYSDOH refuses to recognize that people who have had Covid and recovered have far more effective and long-lasting immunity than the temporary efficacy offered in best case scenarios by Covid injections.
- The NYSDOH fired thousands of healthcare workers who have immunity as a consequence of recovery from Covid, resulting in understaffed hospitals and the closure of healthcare facilities across the state due to staff shortages. There is no rational medical reason for this. This policy is clearly a political decision to punish dissent and to maximize consumption of vaccines over all other considerations.
- NYSDOH refuses to recognize the obvious: Covid shots do not prevent transmission, and do not prevent people from contracting Covid, especially the omicron variant.
This is just our beginning salvo in this fight. Our next move will be submitting comments. Regulations have the effect of law 60 days after they are published. Comments from the public are allowed and must be submitted by February 14. We will provide direction on what to do about that tomorrow.
Please share this message with friends and family and please post to social networks while we still can.