Yakov Horowitz finally accepts the concept of bodily autonomy
“Your Body Belongs to You”
Teaching Your Kids About Personal Space.
Abuse Prevention Clip #3
We have previously criticized Yakov Horowitz for his inconsistency and hypocrisy when it comes to abuse and bullying of children and their parents by government and educational institutions in the sphere of vaccine mandates. We have also called him out for his obsequious fawning over Handsy Andy Cuomo and then failing to publicly excoriate Cuomo when the lurid allegations against him surfaced. This despite the eager readiness of Horowitz to publicly come out against many accused sex offenders and politicians, when they are targets that fit his left wing, brain washed, agenda.
Now however it seems Horowitz has seen the light and has tweeted about the sacred right of bodily autonomy and personal space. Hopefully he finally gets that "Your body belongs to you" does not only mean with regards to sexual abuse, but also with regards to the government raping you with mandated and coerced injections of vaccines - needle rape or needle penetration. It is no different. Similarly the grooming of the public via government funded vaccine propaganda and the resultant bullying of vaccine refusniks, should also be condemned for the reprehensible violation of human rights that it is.
We don't really think Horowitz has seen the light, but we will use this as another opportunity to call him out for his intellectual dishonesty. The same dynamics with regards to sexual abuse,grooming,and coverups, are at play in the realm of forced vaccination.
Not one vaccine has ever been safety tested in a long term study looking at all cause mortality,long term morbidity,or the effect on long term life expectancy and longevity, comparing a vaccinated population to a fully unvaccinated control group. It has not been done with a randomized control group or a placebo control group or just a plain old control group. Nada, Zero, Zilch. No one can make the claim that the science proves Benefits outweigh Risks on any vaccine for individuals or for large populations without doing this kind of scientific study. Without having this data, you are playing Russian Roulette with your and your child's health when you accept any vaccine.
Despite this, Horowitz has seen fit on numerous occasions to commit online bullying against the dreaded "Anti Vaxxers". The self righteous, scientifically ignorant, rantings, of this fellow, who claims to care so much about children, are particularly irksome.