"I Believe in science, I Trust the Science"
"I Believe in science, I Trust the Science" musings on faith and trust in God versus faith and trust in Idolatry
We have all heard the repeated use of the phrasing Believe in Science" and "Trust the science". This is used in a derogatory fashion to malign Covid Vaccine Refusniks, and portray them as ignorant scorners of science. The Co-opting of religious terminology, such as the words faith and trust, is so disgustingly cynical.
Normally we would profess our faith in God Almighty and attempt to inculcate in ourselves a trusting mental state based on that faith. The social engineers have created a social inversion by turning genuine religious yearnings and language into a new form of Idolatry - the worship of science. They have taken the truth of science and turned it into falsehood. The words Trust and Faith do not belong in the same sentence as Science. Science requires empirical evidence not trust or faith. We trust nothing. We submit everything to critical review and reproducibility. If the science is tainted by bias or conflict of interest, that must be strongly noted and corrected for.
Trust and Faith are only suitable in a religious context in reference to God Almighty. It is no accident that religious leaders too, have been co-opted to act as "trusted sources" of "correct" information for their communities. They have now unwittingly become priests in the new religion that worships the false god and savior, TONY FAUCI who has self proclaimed himself as "Science".
It is a poor excuse to use the defense of ignorance for being an idolator, or an atheist. Rabbi Chaim Soloveitchik of blessed memory, is quoted as saying "A Nebech Apikorus is also an Apikorus". Loosly translated this means an inadvertent heretic is also a heretic. If you Trust and Believe in the science and throw God to the side, rather than Believing and Trusting in God and respecting accurate science, you are at the very least, an ignorant heretic and an apostate.