The New York Metro Orthodox Jewish Vax Pusher Disinformation Dozen
The Lying, Fascist, Schumer, Pelosi,Biden, Junta, has put out their list of what they regard as the "Disinformation Dozen". It is only fair that the other side that is being targeted and labeled as selfish, domestic terrorists, by the illegitimate regime, be allowed to put out our own version as a rebuttal. Below is a list of the top 12 "Disinformation Dozen" that comes to mind for the New York Metro area Orthodox Jewish Community.The names below have consistently supported the Fascist Public Health agenda which includes Marxist Collectivist Doctrine. The Disinformation and Collaboration by this Dirty Dozen, has been to the detriment of the Orthodox Jewish Community on both the Communal "Collective" level as well as the Individual level. The month of Elul is coming up. We hope these people will take the opportunity of repenting and seeking forgiveness from their fellow men,women and children, who they have harmed with their false claims about vaccine safety and advocacy of Medical Apartheid. The list is "off the top of the head" and is not exhaustive. Feel free to add names and suggestions in the comments section.
- Dr. Aaron Glatt
- Jacob Bender - "We love you Governor"
- Blimi Marcus
- Yosef Rappaport
- Jake Adler
- David Greenfield
- Kalman Yeger
- Simcha Eichenstein
- Simcha Felder
- Leon Goldenberg
- Jacob Kornbluh
- Ezra Freidlander